Advertisements : IELTS Speaking Practice Test with Sample Answers
This blog offers sample answers for Parts 1, 2, and 3 advertisements IELTS Speaking questions. It includes example questions, cue card responses, and vocabulary to help test-takers prepare and enhance speaking skills.
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Preparing advertisements IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 questions is significant. They play an important role in our daily lives by influencing our choices and shaping our views.
In this blog, we have provided sample answers for Advertisements Part 2 and 3 questions with relevant vocabulary. They will help you to be well-prepared to tackle this topic in your IELTS Speaking test and enhance your speaking skills!
Advertisements IELTS Speaking Part 1
Before you start, go through the Advertisements IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions to gain an understanding of the types of questions asked in this section.
- Are there many advertisements in your country?
- Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
- What are the various places where we see advertisements?
- How do you feel about advertisements?
Advertisement: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer
Advertisements IELTS Speaking Part 2
In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you will have exactly one minute to prepare and respond to a specific topic like 'Describe a method to save money'. Take a look at the sample answer for this topic to learn how to answer similar topics on the IELTS cue card.
Describe an unforgettable advertisement that you saw or heard.
You should say:
- Where you saw or heard it?
- What kind of advertisement it was?
- What the contents of the advertisement were?
- And explain why this advertisement is so unforgettable.
Describe an Unforgettable Advertisement that You Saw or Heard - IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 1
You can listen to a sample answer below. It will help you better understand how to perform while taking the IELTS Speaking practice test.
While some advertisements are quite quirky or offensive, others are funny and educational. I have always been interested in anime and therefore, animated broadcasts have always attracted me. I feel they have the capability to entertain as well as impart knowledge. One of the advertisements that have made a mark on my mind is made by a chewing gum company named ‘Big Babol’.
Watching television was limited for me and I got to enjoy this ad within those limited hours. It was a comic ad because it was meant for a younger audience. But, it accentuated some important aspects of our society, like motherhood, sibling love, adoption and a few others through a family of birds and a turtle. The ad is a mix of Hindi and English and the accent used has a hint of Bhojpuri.
The ad shows that a bird has built a nest on the mountain with three eggs in it. While the mother bird protects her eggs, another egg rolls down the slope and settles in the nest. Within speculating on the added egg, she accepts and takes care of it as her own. Soon, the eggs hatch and the added egg turns out to be a turtle. The mother bird welcomes all into the family and they are brought up together. After some time, the young birds learn to fly and inspire the turtle to do the same. Despite warnings from the mother, siblings and a neighbourhood monkey, the turtle rushes down the slope and jumps down. While everyone is appalled at this action, the turtle is seen floating up as the big babol bubble floats like an air balloon.
I love that the advertisement became remarkable to me because of many factors, like the unexpected yet simple approach, the values highlighted and the rhyming content complimented appreciatively with the humorous accent.
Describe an Unforgettable Advertisement that You Saw or Heard - IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 2
Amul sparked India’s “White Revolution,” propelling the country to the world’s top producer of milk and dairy products. In Sanskrit, the word ‘Amulya’ means ‘priceless,’ and so the name immediately suggests the high quality of the products.
Utterly Butterly Delicious! How could we forget this vibrant catchphrase and the drawing of the Amul girl on every Amul Butter pack? She has a funny take on every event that occurs in India or is related to the country and everyone adores her. Amul Girl is the brand’s official mascot. It’s a hand-drawn cartoon of a young Indian girl wearing a polka-dotted gown with blue hair tied up in a ponytail. Their most popular creatives focus on the Amul Butter Girl and the latest news from around the world. You will find her on the product packaging, in TV commercials and even on social media.
With its “Amul – The Taste of India” marketing jingle, Amul has artfully developed a family-friendly and patriotic image that also elicits empathy for the brand. Their business concept attempts to give clients good value while also protecting farmers’ interests. As a result, many individuals are drawn to purchasing the items in order to assist farmers.
Amul has won the hearts of millions of Indians over the years with its high-quality dairy products and creative marketing strategy. Amul Milk, butter, cheese, chocolates, and ice creams are sure to make anyone happy! It has become a trusted brand, and no one would hesitate to purchase an Amul product nowadays.
Describe an Unforgettable Advertisement that You Saw or Heard - IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 3
While waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up for work , I was watching advertisements on the TV in the lobby. That night I saw an advertisement that has forever stuck in my mind. It was a commercial for Nike shoes with Michael Jordan. In it he said, “I’ve missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost almost three hundred games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot but missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.”
I couldn’t get that commercial out of my mind, not because I thought buying Nike shoes would make me as successful as Michael Jordan, but because of his unflinching determination and perseverance. Life is full of challenges and difficulties that test our level of commitment. I believe having determination divides the winners from the losers. Successful people are not ones who have never failed, but those who kept trying.
As simple as this may sound, it is the one ingredient that separates the winners from the losers. The one skill that winners acquire is an understanding that growth is only possible if you have the courage to change what you have been doing, if it is not achieving the result you desire. Sometimes success is learning how to fall and recognizing that from that fall you will learn to grow. And growth is what a fulfilling life is all about.
Don't miss out on more Part 1 topics, such as advertisements!
Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on Advertisements
Here are some IELTS Vocabulary to use while answering the cue card 'Describe an Unforgettable Advertisement that You Saw or Heard' with examples:
- Unflinching: not to show face of fear
E.g.: Her unflinching courage had to be appreciated - Determination: positive emotional feeling
E.g.: One should have the determination to win - Perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition
E.g.: His perseverance made him successful - Commitment: dedicated
E.g.: His commitment towards the club is heart-touching - Acquire: gain
E.g.: I acquired some knowledge on Solar System
Other IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics on Advertisements
- Describe an advertisement that you found particularly memorable.
- Describe an advertisement that made you want to buy the product.
- Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.
- Describe an advertisement which you found very persuasive.
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Advertisements - IELTS Part 3 Follow-Up Questions
Look at the Advertisements IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to the cue card and develop your own sample answers.
1How do advertisements attract attention?
It all depends on what group of people the advertisement is aimed for. Young people look if it’s cool, hip, or fashionable; whereas older people tend to be more practical-minded, so those in charge of advertising need to have a clear idea of who they will be targeting with their advertisement, and plan accordingly. If the advertisement is geared to the younger generation, then showing how the product can help kids be more attractive, confident, or successful is good. Catchy music also helps attract attention and helps listeners remember it. If you’re trying to reach the older generation with your advertisement, explaining how the product will give them better health, or help them relax, or be happier may appeal to them.
2 Do young and old people have the same attitudes towards advertisements?
Definitely not. Every individual has his own unique attitude towards advertisements and the advantages and disadvantages that advertising brings. Both old and young people are inclined to believe and think that advertisements tend to be misleading, dishonest, phony, shallow, and at times annoying, especially when they’re not well made or dorky. On the other hand, if done well, they can be very creative, humorous, artistic, and enjoyable to watch .Those, however, are the exception, rather than the norm.
3 Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on children?
Looking at today’s children, I would have to say advertisements have predominantly had a negative influence on their lives and character. Ads create a discontentment with what children have and a desire to own more and to be like everyone else. Advertisements usually tend to be unrealistic and give a false impression of how the children should be or what will happen when they buy the product.
4 Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy things? And How?
When seen a lot. advertisements make products more familiar and ingrained in people’s minds, so when they want to buy something, they will take a brand that they recognize. In China, people want to be like the West and so they buy what they see on TV that the Western people have. They think that if they have this Western product, they will be as cool as this person, which is totally bizarre to my mind.
5 Does the government of your country control advertisements in any way?
Of course. All TV media is controlled in some way by the government, so advertisements must be as well. The government prevents advertisements from having inappropriate content or content that is not in line with government policy. That is common in every country. I’m sure that if the advertisement is within normal bounds, then the government wouldn’t have much to say about it.
6 Do you think there should be controls on advertising?
Yes, I do. Some things should not be advertised, such as cigarettes, which are harmful to people’s health. Most people are aware of their existence, so they don’t need to be promoted more. Children especially should not be shown advertisements that make harmful things look cool or interesting. Advertisements that have age-inappropriate content should also be banned.
7 Do you think that advertisements for products that harm the health, such as cigarettes, should be allowed?
Now you are getting into freedom of choice and whether it would be better to just prohibit something from being advertised to get people to stop using the product, but unfortunately this just doesn’t work, as prohibition in the States found out. The best thing would be for the products just to not be manufactured, but this doesn’t work either because then they would be produced illegally, becoming more dangerous.
8 Can you think of any example of false advertising?
The biggest example that comes to my mind is McDonald’s advertisements. Every time I go to McDonald’s, I see pictures of happy, thin people with big smiles and perfect teeth holding hamburgers and cartons of French fries that are at least three times bigger than the real products. This advertisement clearly ignores three glaring facts. For one, if you eat at McDonalds a lot, you will not look like the people in the advertisement. Two, the hamburger and French fries are nowhere near the size pictured. Three, if you stand smiling holding a burger, nobody will think you are cool.
9 What kinds of products are most often, most easily promoted by false advertising?
Well, most products are really promoted by false advertising. I hate to sound so cynical but I have a friend in the advertising business, and a lot of so-called experts advertising their product know absolutely nothing about it. In the field of beauty care products, this happens a lot. The poor women sitting at home with nothing to do except watch TV are so susceptible to this kind of advertising.
Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions on Advertisements
Use the following vocabulary to boost your IELTS band score when answering the follow-up questions about advertisements.
- Fashionable: stylish
E.g.: She is very fashionable - Annoying: disturbing
E.g.: Her dog is very annoying - Inappropriate: not proper
E.g.: Cheating is inappropriate - Cynical: believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest
E.g.: She is a Cynical woman.
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