How to Prepare a Cue Card?

How to Prepare a Cue Card?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Mention some pointers on how to master IELTS cue cards?

To master the IELTS cue card, remember to be confident, patient, calm and composed. Read the cue card carefully, brainstorm ideas, find answers to the questions, and then speak on the issue. It is strongly recommended that a test taker should not memorize anything prior to the exam and remain stress-free.

What should a test taker avoid when answering the IELTS cue card?

A test taker should not talk until instructed to do so by the examiner. They should not deliver memorised replies or answers that are only single lines or brief. They must not skip any of the questions on the cue card.

What is the format of a cue card?

In IELTS Speaking part 2, the test-taker will be handed a cue card that contains a prompt, three bullet points, and an additional sentence. The prompt is the topic on which the test-taker should speak, the three bullet points are the sub-questions, and the supplementary question is a follow-up question on that issue.

Is there any possibility of a test-taker choosing their cue card topic in the IELTS Speaking exam?

No, a test-taker will not have the option of choosing their own cue card topic. The examiner will provide the cue card and the test-taker will have to talk about the topic.

Is it important to follow the prompts on the cue card?

The four questions that come with the cue card topic provide a general guide to what a test taker should discuss for the given topic. Although it is not required to answer these questions while speaking, the test-taker is recommended to do so

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Top 10 IELTS Cue Cards + Band 9 Answers

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston

Houston has been in the field of IELTS for about eight years and has been associated with IELTSMaterial for the last two years. As an IELTS Expert, her contributions to the articles have been informative and original. Whitney has written about 200 informative articles for, which enables students to learn from her expertise. Whitney is also a good researcher, and thus any new information about the IELTS test can be found on our website, thanks to her. Whitney completed her graduation in Creative Writing at Glasgow University, Belfast. Having seen her foreign peers struggling to prepare for IELTS to find jobs abroad kindled her, and she began learning the techniques and strategies to crack the IELTS test to help her peers.

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