The ‘Beautiful’ Game, Can We Believe Our Own Eyes?, Gravity – IELTS Reading Answers
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In the Academic Reading practice test, “The ‘Beautiful’ Game, Can We Believe Our Own Eyes?, and Gravity ” there are 40 questions of various question types. We at would urge every IELTS aspirant to time this test as in the real exam and find the answers without looking at the key. If you have scored 40/40, then we wish you all the best. If you haven’t, then we would earnestly advise you to take one of our IELTS reading practice tests.
Here are question types in this reading test
Reading Passage 1 (The ‘Beautiful’ Game)
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Summary completion
- Matching information
Reading Passage 2 (Can We Believe Our Own Eyes?)
- Short answer questions
- Matching features
- Multiple Choice Questions
Reading Passage 3 ( Gravity )
- Matching headings
- True or False / Not Given
- Sentence completion
Reading Passage 1- The ‘Beautiful’ Game

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Questions 1-3
Choose THREE letters A-H.
Write your answers next to 1-3 on your answer sheet.
NB Your answers may be given in any order
Which THREE of the following statements are true of Newton Heath?
A Newton Heath football club was established in 1902.
B It was the only Lancashire-based club at the time.
C It developed from a club with a similar name.
D It ceased being an amateur team in 1885.
E It was the most famous British football club of the period.
F The club experienced economic hitches.
G Its name changed one more time before becoming Manchester United.
Questions 4-7
Complete the summary with the list of words A-K below.
Write the correct letter A-K in blank spaces next to 4-7 on your answer sheet.
According to expert opinion, there is little 4________________ that football hooliganism occurs as a result of a number of issues and does not necessarily correlate with age, psychological profile or 5______________. External triggers such as newspaper reports and antagonistic 6_____________ can be attributed to escalation of the problem in certain situations. Some psychologists believe that such behaviour and membership of trouble-making groups can give certain individuals a sense of 7________________ that may otherwise be missing in their lives.
A. isolation B. policing C. anger D. occupation
E. belief F. proof G. class H. intelligence
I. excitement J. unity K. doubt
Questions 8-12
Reading Passage 1 has 7 paragraphs A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 8-12 on your answer sheet
NB Each paragraph may be used more than once
8 details about stipulations made to offer financial assistance to the club
9 reasons for the disruption of national competitions
10 information about why the problem of violence at football matches may be perceived by the general public to be larger than it is.
11 deliberations about the Manchester United name
12 a reference to a new competition
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Reading Passage 2- Can We Believe Our Own Eyes?
Can we believe our own eyes?
Questions 13-15
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers next to 13-15 on your answer sheet.
13 What type of illusion is a result of interference with neuron activity?
14 Which two factors influence the way we process the information on a cognitive level?
15 Which theory holds that individuals see only the true reality of a situation?
Questions 16-20
According to the information in Reading Passage 2, classify the following as relating to
- Fictional illusions
- Paradox illusions
- Distorting illusions
- Ambiguous illusions
Write the correct letter A-D in boxes 16-20 on your answer sheet.
16 maybe perceived differently by individuals of diverse ethnic origin
17 may override our natural ability to make a rational judgement
18 may be interpreted differently even by the same subject
19 may result due to chemical stimulation
20 has been used to question the validity of arguments in a different field
Questions 21-25
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers next to 21-25 on your answer sheet.
21 Fictional illusions
A may eventually lead to schizophrenia.
B are the only type which are completely subjective.
C are very similar to paradox illusions.
D are typical of cognitive illusions.
22 According to ambiguous illusion theory, which faces of the Necker Cube is interpreted to be the front of the box due to the general tendency to view objects from above?
23 Which diagram represents the Muller-Lyer illusion?
The Penrose Stairs are an example of a model which
A can persuade the viewer they are seeing something infeasible.
B has disproven established theories on knowledge.
C is a naturally occurring paradox illusion.
D can be seen in a number of international locations.
25 Occurrences on ‘gravity’ or ‘magnetic’ hills result due to
A the mineral content of the soil in the area.
B factors currently unexplained from a scientific perspective.
C misleading natural points of reference.
D rising slopes being misinterpreted as on a decline.
Reading Passage 3- Gravity
Questions 26-31
Reading Passage 3 has nine paragraphs A-I.
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B, C and E-H from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-x in boxes 26-31 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i. Return to previous form
ii. Substantiating a hypothesis
iii. Historic theories
iv. The general rule of gravity and an exception
v. The initial explanation
vi. How proximity to the poles affected Hudson Bay
vii. Scientific definition and contemporary views
viii. Relevance to our future
ix. An alternative viewpoint
x. Consolidating theories
Paragraph D Paragraph I |
v vii |
26 Paragraph B
27 Paragraph C
28 Paragraph E
29 Paragraph F
30 Paragraph G
31 Paragraph H
Questions 32-36
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 32-36 on your answer sheet write
TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
32 Differentiation between gravity and gravitational pull is generally only made by academics in the field.
33 Gravity levels in areas around the equator are significantly higher than around the poles.
34 It was first believed that lower gravity levels in Hudson Bay could be attributed to its location between the poles and the equator.
35 Molten rock activity within the magma layer has had less of an impact on gravity levels in the Hudson Bay area than the Laurentide ice-sheet.
36 The GRACE project’s main focus was areas of Canada and North America once thought to be covered by the Laurentide ice-sheet.
Questions 37-40
Complete the sentences below with words from the box below.
Write the correct letter A-J in the blank spaces next to 37- 40 on your answer sheet.
37 The impact of ___________________ on objects falling to the ground was not considered by Aristotle.
38 Investigations of ________________ first led to the discovery of the unusual levels in Hudson Bay.
39 The earth’s surface has been observed to sink as a direct result of ________________.
40 The largest proportion of the Laurentide ice-sheet was _______________ in depth.
A crystalline spheres
C 3.2kms E gravity fields G 3.5kms I convection currents |
B mass
D continental plates F warming H mantle layers J air resistance |
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The ‘Beautiful’ Game Reading Answers (Passage 1)
1 | C
Paragraph A: ‘Newton Heath began life as Newton Heath LYR (Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway) dub |
2 | D
Paragraph A: ‘Despite turning professional in 1885…’ |
3 | F
Paragraph A: ‘was constantly troubled by financial difficulties’ |
4 | K
Paragraph E: ‘It is generally agreed that a combination of factors may initiate this type of anti-social behaviour…’ |
5 | G
Paragraph E: ‘psychological makeup or belongs to a specific age or class’ |
6 | B
Paragraph F: ‘Evidence supports the view that confrontational policing is much more likely to escalate than calm any incidences of trouble’ |
7 | J
Paragraph E: ‘Experts do however believe that rampaging hooligan can instil a sense of belonging and ‘community’ in participants who feel that they can strongly identify with their group’ |
8 | B
‘John Henry Davis…agreed to invest in the team on condition of being given some interest in running it.’ |
9 | D
‘During the war, the football league was suspended and only regional competitions took place.’ |
10 | G
‘sensationalist media reporting may also be creating undue panic since the problem is often presented as much more widespread than is the reality’ |
11 | B
‘After consideration of the alternatives titles of Manchester Central and Manchester Celtic, the club was christened Manchester United’ |
12 | C
‘the first ever Charity Shield trophy’ |
13 | physiological
Paragraph B: ‘Physiological illusions occur as a result of excessive stimulation of the eyes and brain which leads to a temporary state of confusion and mixed messages. Paragraph C:’ Cognitive illusions, on the other hand, is said to arise not as a result of neuron activity as with the aforementioned category’ Therefore it is clear that the physiological illusions must arise from neuron activity, and paragraph B tells us that this is interference. |
Can We Believe Our Own Eyes? Reading Answers (Passage 2)
14 | knowledge and experience
Paragraph C: ‘due to assumptions we may consciously make based on our knowledge and experience of the world.’ |
15 | direct realism
Paragraph E: ‘… direct realism’ that the way the human mind perceives the world is the way the world actually is.՛ |
16 | C
Paragraph F: ‘However, cultural backgrounds affect perceptions related to this illusion’ |
17 | B
Paragraph G: ‘Paradox illusions encourage the mind to believe that we are seeing something we know to be impossible.’ |
18 | D
Paragraph D: ‘In fact, the same individual is often able to see and interpret the image or object in more than one form’ |
19 | A
Paragraph C: ‘A fictional illusion is, in reality, a hallucination which arises as a result of drug use’ |
20 | D
Paragraph E: ‘It has also been used in epistemology – the study of knowledge – as evidence to disprove the theory upheld by ‘direct realism’՛ (This refers to the Necker Cube, which is an example of an ambiguous illusion). |
21 | B
Paragraph C: “fictional’ ….illusion is unique in that it is only seen by an individual in a given situation and exists in no tangible form. |
22 | A
Paragraph D: ‘when most people look at the Necker Cube they will interpret the lower left face as being the front of the box, the base of the front face being parallel to the floor՛ |
23 | B
Paragraph F: ‘In this illusion, the middle arrow has both arrows ends pointing out, while the line above it has arrow ends pointing in and the third and final line possesses one inward-pointing and one outward pointing arrow end.’ |
24 | A
Paragraph C: ‘Paradox illusions encourage the mind to believe that we are seeing something we know to be impossible…The Penrose Stairs and the Penrose Triangle …are examples of models created to illustrate this phenomenon.’ |
25 | C
Paragraph H: ‘In addition, surrounding points of reference we would generally expect to be perpendicular, such as trees, are in fact on a slope. The interpretation of what observers believe they are experiencing is therefore confused’ |
26 | T
Locate the words, “The Mexican government has allocated a substantial sum of money for the provision of the latest equipment… |
Gravity Reading Answers (Passage 3)
26 | vii
Paragraph B talks about how Galileo introduced theories which were responsible for paving the way for the formulation of the modern theories of today’ and it contains information about definitions of gravity and gravitation. |
27 | iv
Paragraph C refers to the general rule that ‘gravity is directly proportional to mass’ (e.g. the moon and the earth). Hudson Bay is the exception to the gravity rule. |
28 | ix
Paragraph E introduces a ‘second conjecture՛ (the Laurentide ice-sheet) contributing to low gravity in Hudson Bay. This makes it an alternative viewpoint to the theory of the effect of molten rock presented in the previous paragraph. |
29 | ii
Paragraph F refers to the investigations carried out to prove (substantiate in the heading) the theory (hypothesis in the heading) that the Laurentide ice-sheet has affected gravity levels in Hudson Bay. |
30 | x
Paragraph G talks about both the magma and Laurentide ice-sheet theories |
31 | i
Paragraph H talks about how the Hudson Bay area will eventually recover from the weight of the Laurentide ice-sheet. |
32 | TRUE
Paragraph B: Though the two terms are now used interchangeably in layman use, strictly by scientific definition, there are distinct differences between ‘gravitation’ and ‘gravity’. |
Paragraph C: The mass of the Earth itself is not spread out proportionally, being much flatter at the poles than the equator as a result of its rotation; gravity and gravitational pull in different locations throughout the world also vary.’ WE ARE TOLD THAT GRAVITY AND GRAVITATIONAL PULL AROUND THE WORLD VARIES, BUT NOT THAT IT IS SIGNIFICANT |
34 | FALSE
Paragraph D: It was first believed – The original theory presented attributed this anomaly to the activity which occurs 100-200 kilometres below the Earth’s surface within the layer known as the ‘mantle’. NO REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE EQUATOR OR THE POLES |
35 | FALSE
Paragraph G: The former (magma activity) has resulted in 55 – 75% of gravity reduction…the latter [Laurentide ice-sheet] accounts for 25-45%’. THEREFORE IT IS CONTRADICTED THAT MOLTEN ROCK HAD LESS OF AN IMPACT THAN THE LAURENITDE ICE-SHEET. |
Paragraph F: ‘Extensive investigation has since been carried out by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics using data collected by satellites during the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) between 2002 and 2006.’ ALTHOUGH THE SECTION IN RED REFERS BACK TO HUDSON BAY, THIS DOES NOT TELL US IT WAS THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE PROJECT. |
37 | J
Paragraph B: ‘…gravitation propels all objects to the ground at the same rate, air resistance resulted in heavier objects appearing to fall more quickly; his theories contradicting earlier belief systems put in place by Aristotle ‘ |
38 | E
Paragraph C: ‘In the 1960s, as a result of research into the worldwide gravity fields, it was discovered that inexplicably areas around and including the Hudson Bay area of Canada appeared to possess significantly lower levels of gravity than other parts of the globe’ |
39 | I
Paragraph D: ‘ These convection currents can result in the lowering of the continental plates which make up the Earth’s surface՛ |
40 | C
Paragraph E: ‘The Laurentide ice-sheet, which covered most of Canada and the northern tip of the USA until it melted 10,000 years ago, is thought to have been 3.2 km thick in most parts. |
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