Cleaner, Abundant Fuels Attracting Record Investment, A Guide To Womenomics, A Library At Your Fingertips Reading Answers
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The IELTS Reading passage, Cleaner, Abundant Fuels Attracting Record Investment, along with the other two Academic passages – A Guide To Womenomics and A Library At Your Fingertips make this a complete Reading practice test.
You will have 60 minutes to complete the whole test, which consists of 40 questions in total.
Here are the question types in this reading test
Reading Passage 1 (Cleaner, Abundant Fuels Attracting Record Investment)
- Matching information
- Sentence completion
- True or False / Not Given
Reading Passage 2 ( A Guide To Womenomics)
- Matching headings
- Multiple Choice Questions
Reading Passage 3 ( A Library At Your Fingertips )
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Sentence completion
- True or False / Not Given
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Reading Passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the Reading Passage below. Find the practice test with the Cleaner, Abundant Fuels Attracting Record Investment PDF here.
Cleaner, Abundant Fuels Attracting Record Investment
Questions 1-4
The text has 9 paragraphs (A – I).
Which paragraph contains each of the following pieces of information?
1 Cases where the use of renewable fuels is in competition with non-renewable ones
2 The membership of REN21
3 The rates at which the use of renewable fuels is growing faster than the use of nonrenewable ones in the world
4 The sources of funding for renewable fuels in developing countries
Questions 5-8
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each gap.
5 Biomass technology can use _____________________.
6 Governments with renewable energy policies usually set ______________ for renewable energy use.
7 The most important source of energy for China in 2020 is expected to be _______________.
8 Economic expansion and high oil prices mean that Asian countries are ________________ for renewable sources of energy.
Questions 9-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 9 -13 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE, if the information in the text agrees with the statement
FALSE, if the information in the text contradicts with the statement
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
9 Eric Martinot advises large companies on investing in renewable energy.
10 Eric Martinot has over 100 people working in his team.
11 Increases in oil prices hurt developing economies more than developed ones.
12 The use of solar power grew by 60% between the year 2000 and the year 2004.
13 “Green” power consumers only get part of their electricity from alternative energy sources.
Also check:
- IELTS Reading
- IELTS Reading tips
- True False Not Given IELTS Reading
- IELTS Reading recent actual test
- IELTS Academic Reading test papers with answers pdf
Reading Passage 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on the Reading Passage below. Find the practice test with the A guide to womenomics PDF here.
A guide to womenomics
Questions 14-17
The text has 8 paragraphs (A-H).
Which paragraph does each of the following headings best fit?
14 New producers, new consumers
15 More work, fewer children?
16 A better-educated workforce
17 Women in new, expanding industries
Questions 18-22
According to the text, FIVE of the following statements are TRUE
“Choose the correct answers A-H and write them next to 18-22 on your answer sheet”.
A A higher percentage of Italian women have jobs than Japanese women.
B More women than men work in Asia’s textile industries.
C The value of housework is not included in official statistics.
D Research shows that men make more purchasing decisions than women.
E Most surgeons in Britain are women.
F Firms with more women in senior management offer higher investment returns.
G Most illiterate people in the world are women.
H Some people think that lower birth rates lead to lower economic growth.
Questions 23-26
According to the information given in the text, choose the correct answer or answers from the choices given.
23 Since 1950, the percentage of
A American women with jobs have increased.
B American men with jobs have decreased.
C Japanese and Italian women with jobs have remained stable.
24 Economics can get bigger by
A increasing the size of the workforce.
B giving shares to workers.
C using more advanced technology.
25 Mixed teams of male and female managers are thought to be better at
A building teams.
B solving problems.
C communicating.
26 Research by the World Economic Forum shows that
A sex equality leads to higher GDP.
B there is a connection between sex equality and GDP.
C higher education leads to higher GDP.
Reading Passage 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on the Reading Passage below. Find the practice test with the A Library At Your Fingertips PDF here.
A Library At Your Fingertips
Questions 27-30
For each question, only ONE of the choices is correct.
Write the corresponding letter next to 27 – 30 on your answer sheet.
27 A few years ago, it was widely thought that
A people would read fewer ‘paper’ books.
B companies like Amazon would go bankrupt.
C the dotcom boom would soon end.
28 Publishers are unhappy with Google because
A Google is only publishing extracts, not complete books.
B they think Google is in breach of copyright.
C Google is cooperating with leading research libraries.
29 Amazon will
A sell books that previously only Google sold online.
B buy the copyright for many books it sells online.
C allow people to buy only parts that they want to read from books.
30 It is clear that most readers if given the choice, prefer
A ‘paper’ books.
B reading from computer screens.
C using dedicated e-book readers.
Questions 31-35
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each gap.
31 If companies publish books online that are not covered by copyright, they avoid _______________.
32 The _________________ is very small but getting larger.
33 The ______________ expect that they will be able to convince more people to read online.
34 The _____________ has nothing similar to an iPod.
35 In Japan, most of the publications sent to mobile phones are _________________.
Questions 36-40
Do the statements on the next page agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3? In boxes 36–40 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE, if the information in the text agrees with the statement
FALSE, if the information in the text contradicts with the statement
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
36 Books that are out of print are not covered by copyright law.
37 Amazon began by selling books online.
38 Microsoft signed a deal with the British Library on the same day as Google and Amazon made their announcements.
39 Barnes and Noble published Riding the Bullet online.
40 The ability to sample a book online before buying it might help sales.
Cleaner, Abundant Fuels Attracting Record Investment Reading Answers (Passage 1)
1 Answer: C
Question Type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph C, last line
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, the author states that “these technologies now compete with conventional fuels in four distinct markets: power generation, hot water, and space heating, transportation fuels, and rural (off-grid) energy supplies.” Here, these imply that the author is referring to renewable fuels and conventional fuels with non-renewable. Thus, we can state that this passage provides information on the assessment of several renewable technologies and non-renewable ones.
2 Answer: G
Question Type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph G, last line
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, it is mentioned that “market leaders in renewable energy in 2004 included Brawl in biofuels, China in solar hot water, Germany in solar electricity, and Spain in wind power, the report said.” Here, we can find information about the members of REN21, as it is provided that key countries (members) were Brazil, China, and India and in 2004 they added Brawl in it.
3 Answer: A
Question Type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph A, last line
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. You must note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it is said that “they are growing at rates of around 20-30 per cent per year, however, compared to two or three per cent for oil and gas.” From this line, we can observe that the ‘they’ refers to renewable fuels. Hence, the use of renewable fuels is growing at rates of around 20-30 per cent per year (faster) than/compared to the use of nonrenewable ones in the world (two or three per cent for oil and gas).
4 Answer: A
Question Type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph I, line 1
Answer explanation: The opening line of paragraph I suggests that “an estimated $500 million goes to developing countries each year as development assistance for renewable energy projects, training, and market support, with the German Development Finance Group (GDFG), the World Bank Group, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) providing the majority of these funds, and dozens of other donors and programmes providing the rest, the report said.” Here, we can observe that the estimated funding of $500 million for renewable fuels in developing countries came from the German Development Finance Group (GDFG), the World Bank Group, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
5 Answer: agricultural waste
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 1
Answer explanation: Paragraph C puts forward the information that “Martinot and 100-plus researchers in more than 20 countries assessed several renewable technologies: small hydro (meaning small dams), modem biomass (agricultural waste, for example), wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel.” From the given information we can infer that modern biomass technology uses agricultural waste.
6 Answer: targets
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, last line
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can refer to, “typically, they include targets to ensure that renewable sources generate 5-30 per cent of energy use in a given country by around 2010-2012.” Here, it is stated that governments with renewable energy promotion policies, set targets to achieve renewable sources for energy use.
7 Answer: coal
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 1
Answer explanation: You can note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it states that “the renewable sector’s prospects appeared to receive a further boost Monday when China announced it was raising its target for reliance on renewable energy even as it acknowledged that coal would remain its primary source for electricity for decades to come.” Here, the most important source of energy for China in 2020 is expected to be coal, because China announced that coal would remain its primary source for electricity.
8 Answer: a vast market
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph I, last line
Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “Asia is seen as a vast market for renewable energy as it seeks to meet growing demand for power to feed rapid economic expansion amid runaway oil prices.” Since Asia is seen as a vast market for renewable energy, it implies Asian countries are a vast market for renewable energy due to rapid economic expansion amid runaway (high) oil prices.
9 Answer: NOT GIVEN
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: None of the passages confirms or denies that Eric Martinot advises large companies on investing in renewable energy.
10 Answer: NOT GIVEN
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: None of the passages confirms or denies that Eric Martinot has over 100 people working in his team.
11 Answer: NOT GIVEN
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: None of the passages confirms or denies that increases in oil prices hurt developing economies more than developed ones.
12 Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph H, line 1
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line in the said paragraph that describes “the fastest growing energy technology in the world is grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV), existing capacity of which blossomed by sixty per cent per year from 2000-2004, to cover more than 400,000 rooftops in Japan, Germany, and the United States, it found.” In the passage, it is stated that the use of solar power grew by 60% per year from 2000 to 2004. However, in statement, it is mentioned that the use of solar power grew by 60% in the 4-year period, from 2000 to 2004.
13 Answer: NOT GIVEN
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: None of the passages confirms or denies that green power consumers only get part of their electricity from alternative energy sources.
A Guide To Womenomics Reading Answers (Passage 2)
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14 Answer: D
Question Type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 5
Answer explanation: The entire sentence has been paraphrased here. In the passage, it states that “Carve up the world’s economic growth a different way and another surprising conclusion emerges: over the past decade or so, the increased employment of women in developed economies has contributed much more to global growth. Women are becoming more important in the global marketplace not just as workers, but also as consumers, entrepreneurs, managers, and investors.” A producer is someone who creates and supplies goods or services. Thus, it indicates clearly women’s entry into the workforce as consumers and as entrepreneurs, managers, and investors (producers).
15 Answer: H
Question Type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph H, line 1
Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “it is sometimes argued that it is short-sighted to get more women into paid employment. The more women go out to work, it is said, the fewer children there will be and the lower growth will be in the long run.” This passage describes the limit of women’s share of the workforce as it assumed that the more women go out for work, the fewer children there will be.
16 Answer: D
Question Type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 5
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line in the said paragraph that describes “in years to come, better educated women will take more of the top jobs.” Here, according to the author in the upcoming years women with better education are going to take charge.
17 Answer: D
Question Type: Matching Headings
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 1
Answer explanation: Paragraph B puts forward the information that “the increase in female employment in developed countries has been aided by a big shift in the type of jobs on offer. Manufacturing work, traditionally a male preserve, has declined, while jobs in services have expanded.” The role of women in expanding industries is increasing as more companies are hiring female employees.
18 Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph B, last line
Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “women have been particularly important to the success of Asia’s export industries, typically accounting for 60- 80% of jobs in many export sectors, such as textiles and clothing.” It is mentioned that 60 to 80 percent of jobs in the Asian market are women, and examples given are of textile and clothing industry.
19 Answer: C
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 2
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line that claims “besides formal employment, women have always worked in the home, looking after children, cleaning or cooking, but because this is unpaid, it is not counted in the official statistics.” Here, the author states that women have always played the role of traditional house workers and worked in the home, but it is not counted/included in the official statistics
20 Answer: F
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 4
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can point out that “yet a study by Catalyst, a consultancy, found that American companies with more women in senior management jobs earned a higher return on equity than those with fewer women at the top.” Here, we can infer that companies with more women in senior management jobs offer higher investment returns (higher return on equity).
21 Answer: G
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph G, last line
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, a line in the passage specifies that “more than two thirds of the world’s illiterate adults are women.” The term more than two-thirds can be inferred as most. Hence, according to the author most illiterate people in the world are women.
22 Answer: H
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, 2nd last line; Paragraph H, line 2
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, refer that, “It is sometimes argued that it is short-sighted to get more women into paid employment. The more women go out to work, it is said, the fewer children there will be and the lower growth will be in the long run.
The more women go out to work, it is said, the fewer children there will be and it will lower the economic growth in the long run.
It is confirmed in the passage it is widely believed by some people that fewer children (lower birth rates) will lead to lower economic growth in the long run.
23 Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph A, 2nd last line
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. In the passage, it is said that “since 1950, men’s employment rate has slid by 12 percentage points, to 77%.” Earlier, only one-third of the women population contributed to the employment sector. Today (since the 1950s), two-thirds do, resulting in a decreased rate of American men’s employment.
24 Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 2
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, the author in the given paragraph mentions that “GDP growth can come from three sources: employing more people; using more capital per worker, or an increase in the productivity of labour and capital due to new technology’. ” GDP growth is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period by countries. GDP growth is also referred to as economic growth. Thus, economics can get bigger by increasing the size of the workforce.
25 Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, 2nd last line
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line that claims, “this might be because mixed teams of men and women are better than single-sex groups at solving problems and spotting external threats.” This line confirms that mixed teams of men and women are better at solving problems.
26 Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 2
Answer explanation: Paragraph G puts forward the information that “a study last year by the World Economic Forum found a clear correlation between sex equality (measured by economic participation, education, health and political empowerment) and GDP per head.” A study can also be inferred as research. Hence, research conducted by the World Economic Forum found a clear correlation between sex equality and GDP per head.
A Library At Your Fingertips Reading Answers (Passage 3)
27 Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 1
Answer explanation: The opening line of paragraph A claims that “a few years ago, at the height of the dotcom boom, it was widely assumed that a publishing revolution, in which the printed word would be supplanted by the computer screen, was just around the corner.” Here, The word supplant has been paraphrased to replace. It can be understood that a few years ago people thought they will turn to e-books and read fewer paper books.
28 Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 1
Answer explanation: According to paragraph B, “although the books included so far are not covered by copyright, the plan has attracted the ire of publishers. Five large book firms are suing Google for violating copyright on material that it has scanned and, although out of print, is still protected by law.” Since five large book firms are suing Google, it implies they are not happy with Google for violating (breach) copyright on the material.
29 Answer: C
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 5
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. In the passage, it is said that “Amazon Pages will allow customers to search for key terms in selected books and then buy and read online whatever part they wish, from individual pages to chapters or complete works.” Customers will be able to buy specific pages/chapters on Amazon, implying that they can read in parts.
30 Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 3
Answer explanation: In the reference paragraph, the author mentions that “while buyers were reluctant to sit in front of a computer screen to read the latest novels, dedicated e-book reading gadgets failed to catch on.” It is clear that most readers if given the choice, prefer
31 Answer: legal problems
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 2
Answer explanation: Few lines in the said paragraph discuss that “at the end of October, the software giant said it would spend around $200 million to digitise texts, starting with 150,000 that are in the public domain, to avoid legal problems.” According to the passage, Microsoft would publish books that are in the public domain (meaning that they are not covered by copyright) to avoid legal problems.
32 Answer: market for e-books
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 1
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find out that “The market for e-books is growing again, though from a tiny base.” Here, the author states that the market for e-books is getting larger (growing again) from a small/tiny base.
33 Answer: retailers and publishers
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph H, line 1
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, a line in the said paragraph discusses that “both retailers and publishers reckon they will eventually be able to persuade consumers to do a lot more of their reading on the web.” In the passage, it is stated that both retailers and publishers wish (reckon) that they will be able to convince (persuade) consumers to read online/on the web.
34 Answer: book world
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph H, 2nd last line
Answer explanation: A line in the passage mentions that “the iPod music player and it’s like have proved a fashionable and popular new way to listen to songs. The book world has no equivalent.” Here, the author states that the book world is said to have nothing similar, nothing equivalent to an iPod.
35 Answer: manga comic books
Question Type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph I, last line
Answer explanation: The last line of paragraph I suggests that “in Japan, the value of e-books (mainly manga comic books) delivered to mobile phones has jumped, though it will be worth only around ¥6 billion ($51 million) in 2005, according to estimates.” In Japan, most of the ebooks delivered to mobile phones are of manga comics.
36 Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 1
Answer explanation: Paragraph C states that “five large book firms are suing Google for violating copyright on material that it has scanned and, although out of print, is still protected by law. ” According to the passage, books, although out of print, is stilled protected by copyright law.
37 Answer: TRUE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 1
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can point out that “not to be outdone, Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has unveiled plans for its own foray into the mass e-book market. The firm, which began ten years ago as an online book retailer, now sells a vast array of goods.” This line confirms that Amazon began ten years ago as an online book retailer.
38 Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph E, last line
Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “on Thursday, coincidentally the same day as Google and Amazon announced their initiatives, Microsoft released details of a deal with the British Library, the country’s main reference library, to digitise some 25 million pages; these will be made available through MSN Book Search, which will be launched next year.” From this information we can deduce that on the day Google and Amazon made their announcements, Microsoft released details of a deal with the British Library and not signed that deal.
39 Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 1
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can point out that “these companies are hoping for a return to the levels of interest in e-books seen when Stephen King, a best-selling horror writer, published “Riding the Bullet” exclusively on the Internet in 2000.” If you read thoroughly, it is clearly stated in the passage that the writer of Riding the Bullet is Stephen King, not Barnes and Noble.
40 Answer: TRUE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph I, line 2
Answer explanation: If you observe, in the said paragraph it is given that “the ability to download mere parts of books could help, for instance: sections of manuals, textbooks or cookery books may tempt some customers; students may wish to download the relevant sections of course books; or readers may want a taste of a book that they subsequently buy in hard copy.” The ability to sample a book online can tempt some customers (might help sales).
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