Plant Scents, The Development of Plastics, Global Warming in New Zealand Reading Answers
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The IELTS Reading passage, Plant Scents, along with the other two Academic passages – The Development of Plastics and Global Warming in New Zealand makes this a complete Reading practice test.
You will have 60 minutes to complete the whole test, which consists of 40 questions in total. You should be answering each section in 20 minutes. Try to attempt the test to get an idea of the entire IELTS Academic Test in real time.
Here are the question types in this reading test:
Reading Passage 1 (Plant Scents):
- Matching Information Questions [Q1 – Q4]
- True/False/Not Given Questions [Q5 – Q8]
- Multiple Choice Questions [Q9 – Q13]
Reading Passage 2 (The Development of Plastics):
- Table Completion [Q14 – Q20]
- True/False/Not Given Questions [Q21 – Q26]
Reading Passage 3 (Global Warming in New Zealand):
- Multiple Choice Questions [Q27 – Q32]
- Summary Completion [Q33 – Q35]
- Yes/No/Not Given Questions [Q36 – Q40]
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Reading Passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on the Reading Passage below.
Find the practice test with the Plant Scent PDF here.
Plant Scent
Questions 1-4
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
1 A substance released to help plants themselves.
2 The scent helps the plant’s pollination.
3 Practice on the genetic experiments of fragrance.
4 Plant’s scent attracts herbivore’s enemy for protection.
Questions 5-8
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 5-8 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE, if the statement is true
FALSE, if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN, if the information is not given in the passage
5 We have little evidence to support the idea that scent attracts pollinators.
6 Heliothis virescens won’t eat those tobacco leaves on which they laid eggs.
7 Certain ants are attracted by volatiles to guard plants in the rainforest.
8 Pollination only affects fruit trees’ production rather than other crop trees.
Questions 9-13
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.
9 How do wasps protect plants when they are attracted by scents according to the passage?
A plants induce wasps to prey herbivore.
B wasps lay eggs into caterpillars.
C wasps laid eggs on plants to expel herbivore.
D offending caterpillars and wasp eggs coexist well.
10 What reason caused the number of honeybees to decline in the United States.
A pollination process
B spread illness
C crop trees are poisonous
D grower’s overlook
11 Which of the following drawbacks about artificial fragrance is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A it’s very expensive
B it can’t tell correct information to pollinators.
C it needs massive manual labour
D it poisons the local environment
12 The number of $30 billion quoted in the passage is to illustrate the fact that:
A Favourable perfumes are made from ornamental flowers
B traditional floriculture industry needs reform.
C genetic operation on scent can make a vast profit.
D Scent plays a significant role in the Ornamental industry.
13 What is the weakness of genetic experiments on fragrance?
A Linalool level is too low to be smelt by nose
B no progress made in linalool emission
C experiment on tobacco has a better result
D transgenic plants produce an intense scent
Also check:
- IELTS Reading
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- Study in New Zealand
- True False Not Given IELTS Reading
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Reading Passage 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on the Reading Passage below. Find the practice test with The Development Of Plastics PDF here.
The Development Of Plastics
Questions 14-20
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.
Name of plastic | Date of invention | Original
region |
Property | Common use |
Celluloid | The 1860S | US | Clothing
and 14______ |
15 ______ | 1907 | US | can be cast and moulded but cannot be softened by heat | 16 ______ ’household items and car parts |
Polythene | The 1930s | 17 ______ | bottles | |
Rigid PVC | 18 ______ | drains and gutters | ||
Polystyrene | The 1930s | Germany | transparent
and resembled 19______ |
Food container domestic |
Polyurethanes | Germany | formation like
20 ______ |
adhesives, coatings, and insulation |
Questions 21-26
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 21-26 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE, if the statement is true
FALSE, if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN, if the information is not given in the passage
21 The chemical structure of plastic is very different from that of rubber.
22 John Wesley was a famous chemist.
23 Celluloid and Bakelite react to heat in the same way.
24 The mix of different varieties of plastic can make them less recyclable.
25 Adding starch into plastic does not necessarily make plastic more durable.
26 Some plastic containers have to be preserved in special conditions.
Reading Passage 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on the Reading Passage below. Find the practice test with the Global Warming In New Zealand PDF here.
Global Warming In New Zealand
Questions 27-32
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.
27 What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A The temperature in the polar region will increase less than that in New Zealand in the next century.
B The weather and climate of New Zealand are very important to its people because of its close location to the polar region.
C The air condition in New Zealand will maintain a high quality because of the ocean.
D The temperature of New Zealand will increase less than that of other regions in the next 100 years because it is surrounded by sea.
28 What is one effect of the wind belt that circles the Southern Oceans?
A New Zealand will have more moisture in winds in summer.
B New Zealand needs to face droughts more often in hotter months in a year.
C Soil water will increase as a result of weakening moisture in the winds.
D Agricultural production will be reduced as a result of more rainfall in other seasons.
29 What does “moisture deficit” mean to the grain and crops?
A The growing condition will be very tough for crops.
B The growing season of some plants can hardly be determined.
C There will be a huge gap between the water plants needed and the water the earth can offer
D The soil of grain and crops in New Zealand reached its lowest production since the 1970s.
30 What changes will happen to the skiing industry due to the global warming phenomenon?
A The skiing station may lower the altitude of skiing.
B Part of the skiing station needs to move to the north.
C The snowfall may increase in the part of the skiing station.
D The local skiing station may likely to make a profit because of the snowfall increase.
31 Cumulative changes over a long period of time in mass balance will lead to
A alterations in the volume and thickness of glaciers
B faster changes in internal deformation and basal sliding.
C bigger length of glaciers.
D the retreat of glacier tongues as a result of a change in annual atmospheric conditions.
32 Why does the writer mention NIWA in the sixth paragraph?
A To use a particular example to explain the effects brought by glacier melting.
B To emphasize the severance of the further loss of ice in the Mt. Cook Region.
C To alarm the reader of the melting speed of glaciers at a uniform rate.
D To note the lake in the region will disappear when it reaches the glacier bed.
Questions 33-35
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 33-35 on your answer sheet
Research data shows that sea level has a close relationship with the change of climate. The major reason for the increase in sea level is connected with 33 ____________, The increase in sea level is also said to have a threat to the underground water system, the destruction of which caused by the rise of sea level will lead to a high probability of a reduction in 34_____________. In the long run, New Zealanders may have to improve the 35__________ if they want to diminish the effect change in sea levels.
Questions 36-40
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet, write
YES, if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer.
NO, if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN, if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
36 Farmers are less responsive to climate change than agriculturists.
37 The agricultural sector is too conservative and deals with climate change.
38 Turtle is vulnerable to climate change.
39 Global warming is going slowly, and it may have different effects on different areas in New Zealand
40 New Zealand must cut carbon dioxide emissions if they want to solve the problem of global warming.
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Reading passage 1 [Plant Scents]
Answer: B
Question Type: Matching Information Questions
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 3
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, the author in the given paragraph mentions that “the heavier C20 terpenes, called diterpenes, are glue-like and can cover and immobilize insects as they plug the hole. This defense mechanism is as ancient as it is effective: Many samples of fossilized resin, or amber, contain the remains of insects trapped inside. Many other plants emit volatiles when injured, and in some cases, the emitted signal helps defend the plant.” Hence, we can conclude that this paragraph discusses various types of substances released by plants such as resin, diterpenes, and volatiles to protect themselves.
Answer: A
Question Type: Matching Information Questions
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 1
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line that claims, “everyone is familiar with scented flowers, and many people have heard that floral odors help the plant attract pollinators.” The term floral odor has been paraphrased to scent.
Answer: F
Question Type: Matching Information Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 4
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, refer that, ” Ornamentals, including cut flowers, foliage, and potted plants, play an important aesthetic role in human life. Unfortunately, traditional breeding has often produced cultivars with improved vase life, shipping characteristics, colour, and shape while sacrificing desirable perfumes. The loss of scent among ornamentals, which have a worldwide value of more than $30 billion, makes them important targets for the genetic manipulation of flower fragrance.” From this line, we can infer that genetic experiments of fragrance are carried out in the floriculture industry. And the industry has a worldwide value of more than $30 billion.
Answer: C
Question Type: Matching Information Questions
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 3
Answer explanation: Paragraph C puts forward the information that “Herbivore induced volatiles often serve as indirect defenses.” Also, “plants not only emit volatiles acutely, at the site where caterpillars, mites, aphids or similar insects are eating them but also generally from non-damaged parts of the plant. These signals attract a variety of predatory insects that prey on the plant-eaters.” Volatiles are the plant scents that are released from plants which attract herbivores’ enemies for protection.
Answer: TRUE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 1
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. In the passage, it is said that “everyone is familiar with scented flowers, and many people have heard that floral odors help the plant attract pollinators. This common notion is mostly correct, but it is surprising how little scientific proof of it exists. .” Since it is mentioned that there is little scientific proof, we can conclude that we have little evidence if scent attracts pollinators.
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph B, 2nd last line
Answer explanation: Though in paragraph B it is mentioned that “many other plants emit volatiles when injured, and in some cases, the emitted signal helps defend the plant. For example,(Z)_3_ hexenyl acetate, which is known as a “green leaf volatile” because it is emitted by many plants upon injury, deters females of the moth Heliothis virescens from laying eggs on injured tobacco plants.” However, there is no information given that confirms that Heliothis virescens won’t eat those tobacco leaves on which they laid eggs.
Answer: TRUE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 9
Answer explanation: In the reference paragraph, the author mentions that “in the rainforest understory tree Leonardoxa Africana, ants of the species Petalomyrmex phylax patrol young leaves and attack any herbivorous insects that they encounter.” Here, certain ants are the Petalomyrmex phylax ant species. Also, patrol means to keep watch over an area. Hence, we can deduce that ants guard Leonardoxa Africana in the rainforest and protect them from attacker animals.
Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 1
Answer explanation: Paragraph D puts forward the information that “The floral scent has a strong impact on the economic success of many agricultural crops that rely on insect pollinators, including fruit trees such as the bee-pollinated cherry, apple, apricot, and peach, as well as vegetables and tropical plants such as papaya. Pollination not only affects crop yield, but also the quality and efficiency of crop production.” Here, the author has mentioned that pollination affects fruit trees and crop trees. Hence the answer is FALSE.
Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 5
Answer explanation: Few lines in the said paragraph discuss that “some parasitic wasps can detect the volatile signature of a damaged plant and will lay their eggs inside the offending caterpillar; eventually, the wasp eggs hatch, and the emerging larvae feed on the caterpillar from the inside out.”According to the passage, wasps protect the plants by detecting their damaged leaves and the lay their eggs into caterpillars.
Answer: B
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, last line
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find out that “this problem has been exacerbated by recent disease epidemics that have killed many honeybees, the major insect pollinators in the United States.” The reason that caused the decline of honeybees in the U.S is the disease epidemics. Hence, the term disease has been paraphrased to illness in the question.
Answer: C
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 2
Answer explanation: At the beginning of paragraph E it is given that “although this solution is adequate, its drawbacks include near genetic uniformity and consequent susceptibility to pathogens. Some growers have attempted to enhance honeybee foraging by spraying scent compounds on orchard trees, but this approach was costly, had to be repeated, had potentially toxic effects on the soil or local biota, and, in the end, proved to be inefficient.” Here, the drawbacks listed about artificial fragrance are that its costly (expensive), has potentially toxic effects (can poison the environment) and proved to be inefficient (means failed to give correct information). Here, the only drawback that is missing is, that it requires massive manual labor.
Answer: D
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 4
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, a line in the said paragraph discusses that “the loss of scent among ornamentals, which have a worldwide value of more than $30 billion, makes them important targets for the genetic manipulation of flower fragrance.” The figure of $30 billion indicates that scent plays a crucial role in the ornamental industry.
Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 6
Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph states that “for technical reasons, the gene was expressed everywhere in the plant, and although the transgenic plants did create small amounts of linalool, the level was below the threshold of detection for the human nose.” The weakness of genetic experiments on fragrance is Linalool level because it is below the level of detection of the human nose.
Reading passage 2 [The Development Of Plastics]
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Answer: photographic film
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph C, 2nd last line
Answer explanation: A line in the given paragraph suggests that “This new material rapidly found uses in the manufacture of products such as knife handles, detachable collars and cuffs, spectacle frames and photographic film. Without celluloid, the film industry could never have got off the ground at the end of the 19th century.” This line suggests that the common use of celluloid besides clothing is photographic film.
Answer: bakelite
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 1
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. You must note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it is said that “celluloid can be repeatedly softened and reshaped by heat and is known as a thermoplastic. In 1907 Leo Baekeland, a Belgian chemist working in the USA invented a different kind of plastic by causing phenol and formaldehyde to react together. Baekeland called the material Bakelite, and it was the first of the thermosets’ plastics that can be cast and moulded while hot but cannot be softened by heat and reshaped once they have set.” This paragraph suggests that the plastic that was invented in 1907 was bakelite.
Answer: switches
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph D, last line
Answer explanation: You can note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it states that “bakelite was a good insulator and was resistant to water, acids and moderate heat. With these properties, it was soon being used in the manufacture of switches, household items, such as knife handles, and electrical components for cars.” The common use of bakelite besides household items and car parts are switches.
Answer: Britain/UK
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 2
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, there’s a line in the said paragraph that describes “in the 1930s, British chemists discovered that the gas ethylene would polymerize under heat and pressure to form a thermoplastic they called polythene.” Hence, we can conclude that the plastic ploythene that was invented in 1930 was originated in Britain, as British chemists took the initiative to discover it.
Answer: fireproof
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 4
Answer explanation: In the given paragraph author mentions that “a small change in the starting material—replacing a hydrogen atom in ethylene with a chlorine atom—produced PVC (polyvinyl chloride), a hard, fireproof plastic suitable for drains and gutters.” From this line, we can learn that PVC is a hard plastic which has fireproof properties and is considered suitable for drains and gutters.
Answer: glass
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 7
Answer explanation: Paragraph E puts forward the information that “this had a very low coefficient of friction, making it ideal for bearings, rollers, and non-stick frying pans. Polystyrene, developed during the 1930s in Germany, was a clear, glass-like material, used in food containers, domestic appliances, and toys.” The term glass-like means resembles glass. Plastic polystyrene which was developed in the 1930s during Germany consists of properties such as being clear and made from glass-like material and used for domestic appliances, containers, and toys. So only glass is the answer.
Answer: rigid foams
Question Type: Table Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, 2nd last line
Answer explanation: If you read thoroughly, a line in the said paragraph suggests that “polyurethanes, also developed in Germany, found uses as adhesives, coatings, and—in the form of rigid foams—as insulation materials.” Hence, the other plastic substance that is found in Germany named polyurethanes is in the form of rigid foams.
Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 1
Answer explanation: The opening line of paragraph B suggests that “rubber is a polymer—a compound containing large molecules formed by the bonding of many smaller, simpler units, repeated repeatedly. The same bonding principle 一 polymerisation一underlies the creation of a huge range of plastics by the chemical industry.” Here, it is mentioned that the bonding principle of rubber and rubber are the same. Hence, the chemical structure cannot be different.
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: If you observe clearly in the given paragraph it is mentioned that “the prize was won by John Wesley Hyatt with a material called celluloid.” However, there is no information provided if John Wesley was a famous chemist.
Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, lines 1 and 3
Answer explanation: If you observe, in the given paragraph, information is given that “celluloid can be repeatedly softened and reshaped by heat and is known as a thermoplastic” and “Baekeland called the material Bakelite, and it was the first of the thermosets—plastics that can be cast and molded while hot but cannot be softened by heat and reshaped once they have set.” From these lines, we can conclude that Celluloid and Bakelite do not react to heat in a similar manner. Celluloid can be softened and reshaped by the heat whereas bakelite cannot.
Answer: TRUE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 2
Answer explanation: Paragraph G puts forward the information that “nor is it very easy to recycle plastics, as different types of plastic are often used in the same items and call for different treatments.” Here, it confirms that different types of plastics make it difficult to recycle because it is difficult to treat a mixture of all types of plastics. [ Each one of them needs a different treatment]
Answer: FALSE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph G, last line
Answer explanation: A line in the said paragraph infers that “plastics can be made biodegradable by incorporating into their structure a material such as starch, which is attacked by bacteria and causes the plastic to fall apart.” The term incorporating has been paraphrased to adding. Hence, it suggests that plastics can be made durable by adding material like starch.
Answer: TRUE
Question Type: True/False/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph G, last line
Answer explanation: A line in the passage mentions that “other materials that gradually decay in sunlight can be incorporated, although bottles made of such materials have to be stored in the dark to ensure that they do not disintegrate before they have been used.” The term stored has been paraphrased to be preserved. Thus, some plastics have to be preserved (stored) in special conditions (dark environment).
Reading passage 3 [Global Warming in New Zealand]
Answer: D
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 3
Answer explanation: The central idea of the passage is about the rise in temperature in New Zealand in the upcoming 100 years. It can be confirmed from the where it mentioned that “the temperature in New Zealand will go up 4°C in the next century while the polar region will go up more than 6°C. The different pictures of temperature stem from its surrounding ocean which acts as the air conditioner.”
Answer: D
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph B, last line
Answer explanation: The last line of paragraph B informs us that “a bigger problem may turn out to be heavier droughts for agricultural activities because of more water loss from soil, resulting in the poorer harvest before winter when the rainfall arrives too late to rescue.” Droughts may be more severe in the hotter months due to the weakening of moisture throughout the summers, as more water is lost from the soil. Rainfall does not arrive in time, which means there is rainfall in other seasons. [ Seasons when it is not expected – Here it is winter]
Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph C, last line
Answer explanation: In the reference paragraph, the author mentions that “if moisture deficit occurs around a crucial growth stage, it will cause about 22% reduction in grain yield as opposed to moisture deficit at the vegetative phase.” According to the line, moisture deficit will cause a reduction in the growth of crops and grains. Hence, the growing of crops will be difficult.
Answer: C
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, last line
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. In the passage, it is said that “fortunately, it is going to be favorable for the local skiing industry to tide over tough periods since the quantities of snowfall in some areas are more likely to increase.” Global warming will cause favorable conditions for the skiing industry, as snowfall is likely to increase in certain areas.
Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 3
Answer explanation: In the reference paragraph, the author mentions that “overtime periods of years to several decades, cumulative changes in mass balance cause volume and thickness changes, which will affect the flow of ice via altered internal deformation and basal sliding.” Here the term “cause” has been paraphrased to “lead to”. Hence, we can conclude that cumulative changes in mass balance over a long period of time will cause alterations (changes) in the volume and thickness of glaciers.
Answer: A
Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 1
Answer explanation: In the said paragraph, you can find out that “the latest research result of National Institute of Water and Atmospheric (NIWA) Research shows that glaciers line keeps moving up because of the impacts of global warming.” In the 6th paragraph, the author uses the latest research as an example to show the recent changes and effects of global warming on glaciers.
Answer: high tides
Question Type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 1
Answer explanation: The author in the paragraph states that “a direct result of the melting glaciers is the change of high tides the serves as the main factor for sea-level rise.” Climate change plays a crucial role in the increase in sea level. Climate change has caused the melting of glaciers. The frequent melting of glaciers is causing high tides, due to which the sea level has increased.
Answer: agricultural production
Question Type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 2
Answer explanation: In the given paragraph author mentions that “the trend of sea-level rise will bring a threat to the groundwater system for its hyper-saline groundwater and then pose a possibility to decrease the agricultural production.” Here, you must note the paraphrasing. Various terms have been paraphrased in the question. It is said that the increase (rise) in sea level is also said to have a threat to the underground (groundwater) water system, the destruction of which caused a high probability of a reduction (decrease) in agricultural production.
Answer: coastal boundaries
Question Type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph G, last line
Answer explanation: A line in the given paragraph provides the information that “many experts believe that the best way to counter this trend is to give a longer-term view of sea-level change in New Zealand. Indeed, the coastal boundaries need to be upgraded and redefined.” The term upgraded has been paraphrased to improve. Hence, New Zealand needs to improve coastal boundaries to manage the effect of change in sea levels.
Question Type: Yes/No/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: None of the passages mentions if farmers are less responsive to climate change than agriculturists.
Question Type: Yes/No/Not Given Questions
Answer location: N/A
Answer explanation: None of the passages mentions if the agricultural sector is too conservative and deals with climate change.
Answer: YES
Question Type: Yes/No/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph I, line 2 and 9
Answer explanation: The answer is clearly mentioned in the said paragraph and line. You must note the paraphrasing here. In the passage, it is said that “a study has looked at sea turtles on a few northern beaches in New Zealand and it is very interesting to find that sea turtles can become male or female according to the temperature.” Also, “further researches will try to find out how rising temperatures would affect the ratio of sex reversal in their growth. Clearly, the temperature of the nest plays a vital role in the sexes of the baby turtles.” Since turtles can adjust according to the temperature, we can infer that turtles are vulnerable to climate change because if the temperature change does not happen at the correct time, they may remain male for a longer period of time – the time when they should actually be a female.
Answer: YES
Question Type: Yes/No/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph J, line 1
Answer explanation: Paragraph J puts forward the information that “tackling the problems of global warming is never easy in New Zealand because records show the slow process of global warming may have a different impact on various regions.” The problem of global warming is difficult to tackle since it has different effects on different areas of Newzealand.
Answer: NO
Question Type: Yes/No/Not Given Questions
Answer location: Paragraph J. line 2
Answer explanation: In the given paragraph author mentions that “for New Zealand, the emission of carbon dioxide only accounts for 0.5% of the world’s total, which has met the governmental standard.” Since New Zealand only contributes 0.5% of carbon dioxide to the world, it won’t make a significant change in solving the problem of global warming.
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