In or out?, A not lier intelligence?, Pronunciation and physiognomy – Reading passage with Answer
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Below is an IELTS Academic Reading practice test. You can time this test for 60 minutes as per the IELTS standard. You will read an essays on the topic: “In or out?, A not lier intelligence?, Pronunciation and physiognomy”. Following this, you have to attempt 40 questions of various IELTS question types, based on the essays. As an IELTS aspirant, by timing this test as in the real exam, you will gain an understanding of your Reading skills. You can calculate your IELTS Reading score and cross-check your answers by looking at the key. If you have scored 40/40, then we wish you all the best. If you haven’t, then we would earnestly advise you to take one of our IELTS reading practice tests.
Here are question types in this reading test
Reading Passage 1 ( In or out?)
- Matching information
- Sentence completion
- Multiple Choice Questions
Reading Passage 2 ( A not lier intelligence?)
- Matching sentence endings
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Yes/No or Not Given
Reading Passage 3 (Pronunciation and physiognomy)
- Matching features
- Yes/No or Not Given
- Matching sentence endings
Reading Passage 1
In or out?
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Questions 1-3
Use the information in the text to match each of the years listed (1-3) with one of the Key events ỉn the development of further education (i-vii).
Write the appropriate letters in Boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
Note that there are more items listed under the key event than years, so you will not use all of them.
1 1991
2 1993
3 1994
Key events in the development of further education
i. Severe penalties for drop-out are developed as part of college funding mechanisms
ii. Serious attempts are made to improve student support
iii. An Influential report showing that non-completion rates are significantly high is published
iv. The lack of a strategical basis is officially recognized
v. The HMI has created
vi. Data oil student completion rates for further education are published
vii. A minor report showing that non-completion is significantly high is published
Questions 4-8
Complete the sentences below.
Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage to fill each blank space.
Write your answers in the blank spaces next to 4-8 on your answer sheet.
4 Further education colleges in Britain were originally not worried about student drop-out, because students did not leave college for fear of_______________
5 According to the writer, the philosophy at further education colleges was___________
6 As people became more aware of equal opportunities, colleges encouraged students from underrepresented groups, as a move to
7 The HMI’s report foe used on_____________ completion rates, based on____ of reasons for students’ departure from college.
8 In the early 1990s, the political situation, both in Britain and the US, demanded a drastic__________.
Questions 9-14
9 The report Unfinished Business …
A pointed out the polities of the time
B gave 1500 mil 11 on to the state
C linked drop-out lo wasting money
D turned the spotlight
10 The new series of principles developed in 1994 by the PEPC
A gave money to each student
B was quasi-independent
C meant colleges had to turn their immediate attention to improving student retention rates
D was aimed fit improving teacher retention rates
11 Attempts to reduce the student drop-out rate were hindered, because …
A there was a lack of research data on which to base strategies
B colleges did not know what to do
C computers in colleges were slow
D colleges had no patterns
12 Further hindrances in reducing the student drop-out rate were
A collages slowness in computerising data and tint knowing their retention rates, nor what patterns of retention exited
B collage inertia and administrative incompetence
C computer or glitches and strikes, Which occurred at most colleges
D colleges not knowing their retention rates or where the patterns were
13 Colleges’ strategies to deal with the problem of low retention …
A brought administrative and academic staff together
B varied enormously
C jumped
D was based on something other than data
14 The main strategies to improve retention included,…
A “best fit” supporting activities
B activities to support and transform the Student
C the raising of College expectations
D a summary by Martinez
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Reading Passage 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-27, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.
A not liar intelligence?

Questions 15-19
Choose one phrase (A-I) from the list of phrases to complete each key point below.
Write the appropriate letters (A-I) in Boxes 15-19 on your answer sheet.
The information in the completed sentences should be an accurate summary of the points made by the writer, There are more phrases (A-I) than sentences, so you will not need to use them all.
You may use each phrase once only.
Key point
15 Knowing one’s emotions
16 One aspect of managing one’s emotions
17 Self-motivation
18 The ability to recognise emotions in other people
19 Handling relationships
List of phrases
A empowers and hinders us
B means many people eat chocolate
C involves both recognition and Identification
D is intangible
E is achieved by learning to control emotions
F is the key to better social and professional functioning
G is particularly comfortable
H is like having a social radar
I is that some emotions are difficult to accept
Questions 20-26
Choose the appropriate letters A-D.
Write them next to 20-26 0n your answer sheet.
20 Emotional Intelligence as a theory …
A is attributed to Daniel Golem
B was unheard of until the 1970s
C is attributed, to Mayer and Salovey
D consists of in the least live key areas
21 One way of controlling emotions is to …
A hinder them
B suppress tile negative ones
C put theft in thy side to deal with later
D use both logic and emotion
22 As well as being intangible, the problem with emotions is that they
A are difficult
B are difficult to qualify
C does not operate in isolation
D are compounded
23 Employers need to …
A save money
B know about people’s emotions
C employ and deal with employees
D work scenario,
24 Goleman links Emotional Intelligence to …
A competence
B incompetence
C happiness
D common sense
25 The fact that the Idea of Emotional Intelligence has emerged suggests that social interactions…
A happen In the family
B need to be re-skilled
C care becoming less frequent
D are honed
26 Misreading the behavior of others
A is most common wills those dose to us
B is always expensive
C is a classic example
D happens daily
Question 27
Does the statement below agree with the information in Reading Passage 2? In Box 27,write:
YES, if the statement agrees with the information in the passage
NO, if the statement contradicts the information in the passage
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information about the statement in the passage
27 The author believes that the lack of Emotional Intelligence will lead to the disintegration of the family as a social unit.
Reading Passage 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 28-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.
Pronunciation and physiognomy
Questions 28-30
Write the appropriate letter in Boxes 28-30 on your answer sheet.
Note that there are more Observations than people, so you will not use all of them.
You can use each observation once only.
Use the information in the text to match the People listed (28-30) with the Observations (1-vii).
28 Koestler
29 Fishberg
30 Emerson
i. Americans use their jaw more to enunciate
ii. Immigrants acquire physiognomical features common among the Indigenous population
iii. Facial expression and physical features arc hereditary
iv. Lifestyle affects physiognomy
v. Americans have a broadened jaw
vi. The appearance of his friends had changed since they moved to the United States
vii. The change of countenance was unremarkable
Questions 31-36
Do the statements below agree with the Information in Rending Passage 3?
In Boxes 31-36, write;
YES, if the statement agrees with the information In the passage
NO, if the statement contradicts the information in the passage
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information about the statement in the passage
Example: Appearance is affected by pronunciation. Answer: Yes. |
31 Further study into the science of voice production will cost considerable sums of money.
32 The psychological and socio-linguistic factors that make it difficult for adult learners of foreign languages to gain “good” pronunciation arc not as important as other factors.
33 Speech organs are muscles.
34 New phonemes are difficult to learn,
35 People often make fun of standard British HP,
36 Facial features contribute to the incomprehensibility of Midlands English.
Questions 37-40
Choose one phrase (A-I) from the list of phrases to complete each keypoint below.
Write the appropriate letters (A-I) in Boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.
The information in the completed sentences should be an accurate summary of the points made by the writer.
There are more phrases (A-I) than sentences, so you will not need to use them all.
You may use each phrase once only.
Key point
37 Voice coaches
38 The Scouse
39 Whether the way we look affects the way we speak or the other way round
40 It is Important to prove that pronunciation
List of Phrases
A and be achieved by using a mental aid
B is irrelevant
C is worth investigating
D use Images to assist students with the desired pronunciation
E is a chicken and egg conundrum
F get the target
G can affect the appearance
H is not as easy as a Belfast one
I makes you smile
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In or out Reading Answers (Passage 1)
1. | vi, The answer is in paragraph 3. The answer is not v, because there is no mention of when the HMI was created. |
2. | The answer is in the fourth paragraph, Note that vii is not possible, because the passage says the report was seminal, i.e. important/influential. |
3. | The answer is In paragraph 4. |
4. | endangering their Job. The answer is in the first paragraph. The sentence is a paraphrase of the first sentence of the text. |
5. | [mainly] liberal. The answer is at the beginning of the last sentence of the first paragraph. |
6. | widen/widening participation. The answer is In the second paragraph. Note that the gerund can be changed to the infinitive. |
7. | academic staff’s explanation*. The answer is in the second sentence of the third paragraph. |
8. | reduction of taxes/tax reduction. The answer is in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph, The verb phrase in the passage needs to be changed Into a noun phrase to fit the sentence given. |
9. | The answer is in the fourth paragraph. A is incorrect, as this was not what the report did. B is not right, as the report did not give them money, and D is incomplete. |
10. | C. The answer Is In paragraph 4, A is not right, because the money is not given to the student (it Is given to the college for the student). B. is incorrect, because it was a further education that became quasi-independent, not the principles, and D is not possible, as the text does not say this. |
11. | A. The answer can be found in the first sentence of the fifth paragraph. The phrase to reduce the student drop-out rate is a paraphrase of to improve retention. It is important to look out for ways In which sections of the text arc paraphrased In the various types of questions. B, C and D are incorrect because all three contain phrases lifted from the text, but used here in the wrong context. |
12. | A. The answer can be found in the second sentence of the fifth paragraph. Note that the sentence gives three complexities, which hinder the reducing of dropout rates. B is not mentioned in the text, nor Is C. The first element of D Is correct, but the second one is nonsensical, |
13. | D. The answer is in the second half of the fifth paragraph. The last sentence answers, i.e. something other than data. A and B arc not stated, and C Is incomplete. |
14. | B. The answer is In the final paragraph, and is a summary of the examples given. A is a phrase lifted from the text and Is part of two ideas – note the comma in the text. C is incorrect because the passage refers to raising the students’ expectations, not those of the college. D is not correct, because Martinez outlined the strategies, so Martinez’s summary included the strategies, and not the other way round. |
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A not lier intelligence Reading Answers (Passage 2)
15. | C. The answer is in the first paragraph. G is incorrect because it is the opposite of what the text says. |
16. | I. The answer is in paragraph 2, in the second sentence. B. is incorrect because it is not mentioned as an aspect of management of one’s emotions but as a means of managing them. |
17. | E. The answer can be found in the second part of paragraph 2, and is a paraphrase of the sixth sentence. A is incorrect, as it is our emotions that arc said to empower and hinder us. |
18. | H. The answer is at the start of the third paragraph. |
19. | F. The answer is in the fourth sentence of paragraph D is incorrect because it is emotions that arc said to be not tangible, not handling relationships. It is important to be very wary of words or phrases that arc lifted directly from the text. They are often put in the wrong context. |
20. | C. The answer is in the first paragraph, in the latter half of the first sentence. Alternative D is not possible, because It says at least 5, while the text says 5. |
21. | C. The answer can be found in paragraph A Is not possible, as the text advises against suppressing or hindering emotions. The same applies to B. D does not make sense. |
22. | C. The answer is in the fifth sentence of the third paragraph, A Is incorrect, because the text does not say this, and It Is incomplete. B. is incorrect because the text says quantify and the exercise D is not the right answer, because it is not complete and Is nonsense. |
23. | B. The answer is in the third paragraph, in the second sentence from the end. A is not stated. B. is incorrect because the text says … can cost money …i.e. not always. C is a phrase from the text but is not used in the right context here. |
24. | A. The answer can be found in the last sentence of the third paragraph. Alternative B is not mentioned In the text and the words included In C appear in the text, but do not fit here. D Is grammatically Incorrect. |
25. | A. The answer is in the second sentence of the penultimate paragraph. The other alternatives arc obviously wrong |
26. | C. The answer is in the last paragraph, in the last sentence, becoming less frequent is a paraphrase of fast disappearing. A is untrue because the text does not say this. B. is incorrect, because it is people who need to be re-skilled, and D does not make sense. |
27. | Not Given. The answer can be found in the last paragraph. The author says it is sad that people need to be re-skilled, but does not mention whether the lack of Emotional Intelligence will lead to anything. |
Pronunciation and physiognomy Reading Answers (Passage 3)
28. | vi. The answer is in the third paragraph in the first sentence, i. is incorrect because it was an anthropologist friend of Koestler who said this, ii. is not correct, because Koestler was talking about his friends rather than Immigrants In general; and v is not stated as a general principle. |
29. | ii. The answer is in paragraph 3, in the last sentence, vi. is incorrect, because Plshberg was talking about immigrants in general, not his friends. |
30. | iv. The answer can be found In the fourth paragraph, In the second sentence. iii. Is incorrect, because Emerson says this is a mistaken impression. |
31. | Not Given. The text does not mention anything about this statement. |
32. | No. The answer can be found in paragraph 4, in the last sentence: a completely different and no less important issue, which means, in effect, equally Important. |
33. | Yes. The answer is In the second sentence of paragraph 5, The word these refer back to speech organs. |
34. | Not Given. The answer is in the same place as question 33. The passage says that practice is needed to learn new phonemes, but does not mention whether or not they are difficult to learn. |
35. | Yes. The answer is at the end of paragraph 5. The words parody and mock are synonyms to make fun of. |
36. | Not Given. The text does not mention anything about this statement. |
37. | D. The answer is in paragraph 7 and is a paraphrase to help their students acquire the distinctive sound of the target pronunciation.F is Incorrect, as it is incomplete. |
38. | A. This answer can also be found In the seventh paragraph. A mental aid is said to be employee used. i. is incorrect, because of the cause and effect arc the wrong way round. H is not correct, because there is no mention of which of the two accents is easier. |
39. | E. The answer is in the first part of the last paragraph. B. is Incorrect because It is the answer to the question that is said to be irrelevant. |
40. | G. The answer Is in the second part of the last paragraph. C is Incorrect because It Is not pronunciation that Is worth Investigating, but the link between pronunciation and physiognomy. |
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