Some Teachers Think that International Student Exchange Would be Beneficial- IELTS Writing Task 2
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Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Essay Type
Opinion Essay
The positive view of teachers on international student exchange programs, followed by the negative views. I agree with the prior point of view.
Paragraph 1 – The disadvantages of the international student exchange program, like the financial constraints and cultural shocks and how they could pose a challenge to learning.
Paragraph 2 – The benefits of the international student exchange program, and what effects they have on the student’s life and career.
Restate your opinions.
Sample Essay
In recent times, teachers have been seen endorsing the idea of international student exchange programs as they would expand the boundaries of a teenager. On the other hand, there are some who believe that these are not the best ways to inculcate learning. I concur with the prior, for I believe its advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
The disadvantages, according to its critics, begin with the financial constraints on economically weaker students. For example, if a student exchange program occurs between schools in India and Finland, parents of a middle-class family in both countries may have a tough time arranging huge funds for enrolling their child in it. Secondly, the critics argue that the cultural shocks – a sudden change in the environment, food, weather, society, and so on – can be a shock, posing a hindrance to new learning.
On the other hand, there are numerous advantages too. A student’s mind is widened when introduced to a new culture. It becomes a lifetime experience. The benefits of having an open mind are being more tolerant towards differing views and different ways of learning and resilience to combat adverse situations. Furthermore, it can help their careers. Major companies are said to give preference to people who have undergone such an experience as they believe such candidates can adjust to circumstances easily.
To conclude, there are certain disadvantages to the student exchange program. But, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and help actualize the holistic growth of the student. Hence, international student exchange programs should be encouraged in schools.
- Endorsing
Meaning: Declaring one’s approval or support
Example – The report was endorsed by the college.
- Inculcate
Meaning: Teach.
Example – Schooling inculcates important values in a student.
- Concur
Meaning: Agree.
Example – I concur with the views that the Director put forward.
- Outweigh
Meaning: To be heavier, or more significant than something.
Example – “Your logic outweighs your emotional state”.
- Critics
Meaning: a person who expresses an unfavourable opinion of something.
Example – Critics of the new legislation say it is vague.
- Constraints
Meaning: A limitation or restriction.
Example – Due to time constraints, I had to let go of my pottery classes.
- Hindrance
Meaning: A thing that provides delay or resistance to something.
Example – The noise is becoming a hindrance and does not let me concentrate.
- Adverse
Meaning: Preventing success; harmful.
Example – Climate change has adverse side effects on life on earth.
- Actualize
Meaning: fulfil; make a reality of.
Example – I actualized my dream of becoming an entrepreneur.
- Holistic
Meaning: relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts.
Example – Reading results in holistic growth of one’s mind.
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