Reflecting On The Mirror, Effort And Science To Win, Fueling The Future – IELTS Reading Answers
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The Reading Module of the IELTS can be the top-scoring category, with diligent practice. To achieve the best results in this section, you must understand how to approach and answer the different Question types in the Reading Module. By solving and reviewing Sample Reading Questions from past IELTS papers, you can ensure that your Reading skills are up to the mark.
In the Academic Reading practice test, “Reflecting On The Mirror, Effort And Science To Win, and Fueling The Future” there are 40 questions of various question types. We at would urge every IELTS aspirant to time this test as in the real exam and find the answers without looking at the key. If you have scored 40/40, then we wish you all the best. If you haven’t, then we would earnestly advise you to take one of our IELTS reading practice tests.
Here are question types in this reading test
Reading Passage 1 (Reflecting On The Mirror)
- True or False / Not Given
- Diagram completion
- Multiple Choice Questions
Reading Passage 2 (Effort And Science To Win)
- Matching information
- Multiple Choice Questions
- True or False / Not Given
Reading Passage 3 (Fueling The Future)
- Yes/No or Not Given
- Matching features
Reading Passage 1
Reflecting on the Mirror
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Questions 1-5
Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet write
TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
1The Creeks arid Egyptians used polished silver to make mirrors.
2 The first man-made mirrors were made of bronze.
3 Only the wealthy could afford the first mirrors.
4The first mirrors in America were used for decoration.
5 Spherical mirrors are commonly used in cars.
Questions 6-9
Complete the labels on Diagram A below.
Write the correct letter A-J next to 6-9 on your answer sheet.
Diagram A: Magnified side-view of a mirror
A rouge
B cast iron
C felt
D steam
E shellac
F glass
G metal
H silver nitrate paint
I reducing solution
Questions 10-13
Choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers next to 10-13 on your answer sheet.
10 The type of mirror used for looking at the stars is
A paraboloidal.
B spherical.
C cylindrical.
D ellipsoidal.
11 17th-century craftsmen
A blended mirror frames well with other household furniture.
B hung mirrors above fireplaces.
C used mirror frames as a focus for home decoration.
D established floral patterns as a standard for mirror frames.
12 18th-century craftsmen
A designed furniture which highlighted the unique properties of
B experimented largely with mirror frames made of ebony and ivory.
C built spherically-shaped minors.
D experimented with ceiling mirrors around fireplaces.
13 19th-century craftsmen
A used mirrors less than any previous time in history.
B introduced mirrors as learning tools.
C used mirrors extensively in bedroom furniture.
D etched designs into mirrors.
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- IELTS Reading
- IELTS Reading tips
- IELTS Academic Reading Practice test
- True False Not Given IELTS Reading
- IELTS Reading recent actual test
- IELTS Academic Reading test papers with answers pdf
Reading Passage 2
Effort And Science To Win
Questions 14 -17
The passage has eight paragraphs labeled A-F
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
14 the natural process of oxygen production
15 standard after-competition procedure
16 the areas of study undertaken to improve athletic performance
17 the Mexican viewpoint on winning
Questions 18 -20
Choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers next to 18-20 on your answer sheet.
18 The hyperbaric chamber
A helps athletes to breathe more easily.
B increases the level of oxygen an athlete breathes.
C decreases the pressure of the oxygen for Mexican athletes.
D speeds up recovery time for athletes.
19 The electroencephalograph (EEC)
A measures how fast brainwaves move during exercise.
B helps doctors to determine heart problems.
C measures how hard the heart works during exercise.
D strengthens the heart muscle in athletes.
20 The life-span of individuals in Mexico has increased due to
A medical improvements.
B more committed doctors.
C better-made sporting equipment.
D advances in ergonomics.
Questions 21-26
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 21 -26 on your answer sheet write
TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
21 There are limits to the level of sporting enquiry.
22 Specific athletic programs differ mostly between men and women
23 Mexico and Germany have similar sporting resources.
24 Lack of money is what stops athletic improvement in some poor countries.
25 Wealthy countries enjoy greater athletic success.
26 Mexican athletes have the support of their government.
Reading Passage 3
Fueling The Future
Questions 27-31
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 27-31 on your answer sheet write
YES, if the statement reflects the claims of the writer
NO, if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN, if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
27 The need to control air pollution is why ethanol came into use.
28 Brazil uses more ethanol for transportation than America.
29 Select food crops become more expensive due to ethanol production
30 The Australian sugar industry will benefit from the production of ethanol.
31 Primary ethanol (E-85) has been extensively tested in Australia.
Questions 32-35
Look at the following list of descriptions (Questions 32-35) and the list of fuel types below.
Match each description of the fuel type.
Write the correct letter A-D in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
32 costs about half the price of ethanol
33 reacts poorly with some metals
34 is the reason why trucks have been fitted with larger fuel tanks
35 commonly used in the trucking industry
A regular gasoline
B unleaded gasoline
C ethanol
D diesel
Question 36-40
Classify the following statements according to which country they apply to.
Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.
A Australia only
B America only
C both Australia and America
D neither Australia nor America
36 makes ethanol out of sugar cane
37 uses more ethanol than any other country in the world.
38 receives government assistance for ethanol production.
39 proved ethanol production is costly.
40 their government bought ethanol-friendly cars.
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Reflecting On The Mirror Reading Answers (Passage 1)
1 | F
The keywords are “Greeks, Egyptians, polished silver, make mirrors” – scan for them and/or their synonyms Locate the words, “… Greeks and Romans experimented with polished silver to produce simple mirrors.” |
2 | F
The keywords are “first mirrors, bronze” – scan for them and/or their synonyms. Locate the words, “… first, man-made mirrors were produced but mirrors made of brass are mentioned in the Bible” |
3 | T
The keywords are ‘wealthy, afford, first mirrors” – scan for them and/or their synonyms. Locate the words, ‘During the early periods of their development, mirrors were rare and expensive”. |
4 | NG
There is nothing in the passage about this! |
5 | T
The keywords are ’spherical mirrors, cars”. Locate the words, “Spherical mirrors… (are used as) rear-view mirrors for vehicles. |
6 | H
Locate the section of the reading passage which discusses how a mirror is made (the 4th one). Carefully scan for the keywords mentioned in the question (box) and in the passage. Note the words, “A solution of silver nitrate is poured on the glass and left undisturbed for about 1 hour” |
7 | E
Locate the section of the reacting passage which discusses how a mirror is made (the 4th one). Carefully scan for the keywords mentioned in the question (box) and in the passage. Note the words, “The deposit (the silver nitrate) is dried, coated with shellac…” |
8 | I
Locate the section of the reading passage which discusses how a minor is made (the 4th one). Carefully scan for the keywords mentioned in the question (box) and in the passage. Note the words, “The deposit (the silver nitrate) is dried, coated with shellac and painted.” |
9 | F
Locate the section of the reading passage which discusses how a mirror is made (the 4″‘ one). Carefully scan for the keywords mentioned in the question (box) and in the passage. Note the words, “Glass is used on top because it is smooth, dear, and protects the reflective surface.” |
10 | A
The 5th paragraph discusses the uses of mirrors. Notice the mention of telescopes these are used to look at stars. Notice the words, “A paraboloidal mirror is one which is often used… in a telescope mirror”. |
11 | A
The answer is located in the second last paragraph. Notice the words, “Craftsmen…often produced elaborately carved mirror frames to match a complete decorative ensemble.” If something matches, it blends in well with something else. |
12 | A
The answer is located in the second last paragraph. Notice the words, ‘Focusing heavily on the effect created by mirrors, 18th-century designers…” The uniqueness of mirror properties was, therefore, the focus. |
13 | C
The answer is located in the last paragraph. Notice the words,”… they (craftsmen) regularly incorporated (mirrors) into pieces of furniture – such as wardrobes and sideboards…” This is very similar to saying that mirrors were used extensively in bedroom furniture. |
Effort And Science To Win Reading Answers (Passage 2)
14 | D
The keywords are “natural process, oxygen production” Scan the passage looking for those keywords or synonyms of them. Note in paragraph D, “Green plants produced the oxygen…” |
15 | B
Note in paragraph B,”… after each competition, athletes are exposed to vigorous medical examinations and follow-up training…” |
16 | A
Note in paragraph A,”… analyses all aspects of sports science from the role of the auditory system in sporting achievement to the power of the mind and its role in the ability to win. Everything, it seems, is open to scrutiny. Recently, the focus has been evaluating the visual acuity of cyclists and long-distance runners but they also focus on the more traditional areas of sports research, among them psychology, nutrition, anthropology, biochemistry and odontology. |
17 | C
Note in paragraph C, “When an athlete wins for Mexico, it is always as a result of a combined team effort…” |
18 | D
Scan the text looking for the keywords ‘hyperbaric chamber” Paragraph D discusses this Notice the words, “Due to our purchase of the hyperbaric chamber, athletes are able to recover from an intense workout in a much shorter space of time.” |
19 | B
Scan the text looking for the keywords “electroencephalograph (EEC)”. Paragraph E discusses this Notice the words, “doctors are able to monitor any weaknesses in the way the heart responds.” |
20 | A
Scan for the text looking for the keywords “life-span, individuals, Mexico, increased”. Paragraph F deals with these issues Notice the words, “People are living longer and this Is due In large part to the advances of modern science.” |
21 | F
Locate the words… “Everything (i.e. all sports enquiry), it seems, is open to scrutiny.’ |
22 | NG
There is nothing in the passage about this! |
23 | T
Locate the words, “tine quality of Mexico’s facilities puts them on a par with…Germany in terms of access to resources” |
24 | T
Locate the words, “poorer countries, sportsmen and women are stifled in their development due to budgetary constraints.” |
25 | NG
There is nothing in the passage about this! |
26 | T
Locate the words, “The Mexican government has allocated a substantial sum of money for the provision of the latest equipment… |
Fueling The Future Reading Answers (Passage 3)
27 | N
In the 2nd paragraph locate the words, “… it was first used as lamp fuel. Later on, due to skyrocketing oil prices in the 1970s, E10 was produced…” |
28 | Y
In the 2nd paragraph locate the words, “Today, Brazil is the largest transportation ethanol fuel market in the world.” |
29 | Y
Locate the 3rd paragraph the words, it increases the monetary value of feed grains grown by farmers.” |
30 | N
Locate in the 4th paragraph the words, the money sugarcane growers get for their cane is not determined by the domestic consumption or domestic demand for ethanol…” |
31 | NG
There is nothing in the passage about this! |
32 | B
Locate the sentence in the 4th paragraph which states, “In Australia, fuel ethanol costs around 70 cents per litre compared with around 35 cents per litre for unleaded petrol,” The answer is unleaded gasoline. |
33 | C
Locate the sentence in the 4th paragraph which states, “… it (ethanol) can absorb water, which can cause oxidation, rust and corrosion.” The answer is ethanol. |
34 | C
Look for the sentence in the 4″‘ paragraph which states, “… ethanol trucks require larger fuel tanks to achieve the same range as a diesel-powered vehicle The answer is ethanol. |
35 | D
Locate the sentence in the 4th paragraph which states, “Compared to diesel – the standard fuel in the heavy moving industry..,” The answer is diesel. |
36 | A
Locate the words in the 4lh paragraph, “Australian Bureau of Agriculture… points out that the money sugarcane growers get for their cane..,” By scanning the passage for the keywords, you should have noticed that other than Australia, there is no other incidence of sugar cane being used for ethanol production. |
37 | B
Locate the words in the 3rd paragraph, “In fact, in the USA, the largest ethanol consuming nation in the world…” Note: Brazil uses the most for transportation, but America uses the most overall. |
38 | B
Locate the words in the 4th paragraph, “In America, one report revealed that even with government assistance, ethanol is close to 25 per cent more than the price of diesel.” |
39 | C
Locate the words in the 4th paragraph, ‘The cost of production also represents some challenges. In Australia, fuel ethanol costs around 70 cents per litre compared with around 35 cents per litre for unleaded petrol. In America, one report revealed that even with government assistance, ethanol is close to 35 per cent more than the price of diesel.” The challenge is that it is costly to produce ethanol. |
40 | B
Locate the words in the 3rd paragraph, “… more efficient fuels with many state governments in America’s Mid-west purchasing fleet vehicles capable of running on E-85 fuels.” |
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