Hot Air Ballooning, Illegal Downloads, The Natural World Reading Answers
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This article is based on the IELTS reading passages, 'Hot Air Ballooning along with the other two passages Illegal Downloads and The Natural World ’
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The IELTS Reading passage, Hot Air Ballooning, along with the other two Academic passages – Illegal Downloads and The Natural World makes this a complete Reading practice test.
You will have 60 minutes to complete the whole test, which consists of 40 questions in total.
Here are the question types in this reading test:
Reading Passage 1 (Hot Air Ballooning)
- IELTS True/False/Not Given
- IELTS Short Answer Question
- IELTS Diagram Question
Reading Passage 2 (Illegal Downloads)
- IELTS Matching information
- IELTS Sentence Completion
- IELTS True/False/Not Given
Reading Passage 3
- IELTS True/False/Not Given
- IELTS Short Answer Questions
- IELTS Summary Completion
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Reading Passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-11, which are based on the Reading Passage below.
Find the practice test with the Hot Air Ballooning PDF here.
Hot Air Ballooning
Questions 1-4
Do the following statements agree with the given in the reading passage?
In boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet write
TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
1 The Montgolfier brothers were the first people to fly in a hot air balloon.
2 Hot air ballooning became less popular in the late eighteenth century.
3 The largest hot air balloon had a capacity of over 75000 cubic metres.
4 Membership of the BFA is only open to people in America.
Questions 5-7
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 5-7 on your answer sheet.
5 Who accompanied the entrepreneur on the longest balloon flight?
5 Who follows a hot air balloon’s flight to retrieve the craft when it lands?
7 What can give newcomers to the sport some idea of the feeling of flying a balloon?
Questions 8-11
Label the diagram below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in the blank spaces next to 8-11 on your answer sheet.
Also check:
- Tips to Improve IELTS Reading Skills
- IELTS Academic Reading Practice test
- IELTS Reading recent actual test
- IELTS Academic Reading test papers with answers pdf
Reading Passage 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 12-24, which are based on the Reading Passage below.
Find the practice test with the Illegal Downloads PDF here.
Illegal Downloads
Questions 12-16
The reading passage has eight paragraphs, A-H.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Type the correct letter A-H in boxes 12-16.
12 The disparity between fines and costs.
13 The potential costs of piracy to the defendant.
14 The number of songs illegally obtained from the internet.
15 Ambivalence towards the problem.
16 A reprieve for illegal downloaders.
Questions 17-20
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in the blank spaces next to 17 – 20 on your answer sheet.
17 The maximum fine that a record company can impose is ________________.
18 The penalty for breaking copyright laws is harsher when undertaken for _______________ benefit.
19 The music industry targets each ________________ rather than each specific person downloading illegally.
20 Appliances used in connection with illegal downloads are sold under the term_______________.
Questions 21-23
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?
In boxes 21-23 on your answer sheet write
TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
21 Most people sued for illegal downloading actively fight back against the record company.
22 Illegal downloading can be difficult to monitor and control.
23 High school students are responsible for illegally downloading the most music.
Reading Passage 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 24-40, which are based on the Reading Passage below.
Find the practice test with The Natural World PDF here.
The Natural World
Questions 24-30
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?
In boxes 24-30 on your answer sheet write
TRUE, if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE, if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information on this
24 Our reactions are at their slowest at sunset.
25 There are more accidents on the night shift because workers tend to get less sleep.
26 Limited air travel has minimal effect on the body’s circadian rhythm.
27 The circadian rhythm starts when light reaches the brain.
28 If a driver is tired, taking a short sleep, listening to music or winding down the window are all equally effective measures for keeping awake.
29 Humans share the same trends with regards to their body clocks.
30 Many people take a short rest just after eating lunch.
Questions 31-36
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 31 – 36 on your answer sheet
31 As well as the intensity, what else is important in sunlight for our circadian rhythm?.
32 What specific part of the day is the body at its warmest?.
33 What should night shift workers use to help them sleep?.
34 What type of person works equally well in the morning and in the evening?.
35 What does our body clock make it easier to do after the winter?.
36 What should you avoid before bed to help you get a good night’s sleep?
Questions 37-40
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 3 for each answer and write them on the blank spaces next to 37-40 on your answer sheets.
Keep a good 37_______________ by following routines. Try to sleep and wake at roughly the same times when working and on days off. Use 38______________ noise to help you sleep if there are external distractions. Small and regular meals keep your 39_______________ operating at its best. Limit changes to your work shift, and if necessary take a short 40_____________ during the day.
Hot Air Balloon Reading Answers (Passage 1)
1 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph A & B
Answer explanation: The introductory line of paragraph A states that the birth of the hot air balloon is largely contributed to the efforts of two French brothers, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, who employed the fact that hot air was lighter than cool air and using this, managed to lift a small silk balloon 32 metres into the air. The brothers went on to elevate a balloon into the air ten thousand metres before it started to descend and then exploded. In paragraph B, it’s mentioned that Jean Francois Pilâtre and Francois Laurent d’Arlandes were sent up in a balloon which travelled across Paris. We understand that the Montgoflier brothers’ efforts contributed to the hot air balloon. However, paragraph B clearly indicates that Jean Francois Pilâtre and Francois Laurent d’Arlandes were the first ones to travel in the balloon across Paris. Thus, the statement contradicts the information in the passage, so, the answer is False.
2 Answer: True
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 2
Answer explanation: The 2nd line of paragraph C illustrates that the discovery of hydrogen-fuelled flights led to the death in 1785 of Pilatre, a tragedy that caused a downfall in the popularity of hot air ballooning but an increase in the popularity of hydrogen. These lines suggest that the death of Pilâtre led to the downfall of the hot air balloon’s popularity, but it simultaneously increased the popularity of hydrogen. Thus, the statement agrees with the information, so, the answer is True.
3 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 2
Answer explanation: The 2nd line of paragraph D illustrates that British entrepreneur Richard Branson crossed the Atlantic in a balloon named Virgin Atlantic Flyer. At the time, the balloon was the largest ever constructed at 65 thousand cubic metres. These lines indicate that a British Entrepreneur travelled in the largest ever constructed balloon which had a size of 65 thousand cubic metres. Thus, the statement disagrees with the information. So, the answer is False.
4 Answer: Not Given
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph G
Answer explanation: We find reference for BFA in the initial lines of paragraph G, which states that the Balloon Federation Of America is one of the largest hot air balloon organizations, which was founded in 1962. The BFA membership attracts those with a fascination with ballooning. However, there’s no reference that the BFA membership is available to the Americans only. Thus, the answer is Not Given.
5 Answer: Per lindstrand
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 2 – 3
Answer explanation: Paragraph D states that a British Entrepreneur, Richard Branson crossed the Atlantic in a Virgin Atlantic Flyer, which is the largest ever constructed balloon at 65 thousand cubic metres, but four years later, he and Per Lindstrand from Sweden flew nearly 8000 kilometres from Japan to Northern Canada in their balloon the Virgin Pacific Flyer. These lines indicate that Per Lindstrand accompanied the Entrepreneur on the longest balloon flight. So, the answer is Per Lindstrand.
6 Answer: Ground crew
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 4
Answer explanation: The 4th line of paragraph F states that as a result, balloons are often followed by the ground crew, who may have to pick up the pilot, passengers, and balloon from any number of landing sites. We can deduce from these lines that Ground crew follows the hot air balloons as sometimes they’ve to pick up pilots, passengers, and balloons from the landing sites. Thus, the answer is Ground crew.
7 Answer: Balloon Simulator
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph G, line 6
Answer explanation: Paragraph G talks about BFA, where the 6th line states that BFA even boasts of a balloon simulator, which although it will not directly lead to a pilot’s license, can give participants a degree of the sensation enjoyed by professional balloon pilots. We can comprehend from these lines that a balloon simulator will not directly lead to a pilot’s license but it can give the pilots a sense of happiness that is normally enjoyed by professional pilots. Thus, the answer is Balloon Simulator.
8 Answer: Parachute Valve
Question type: Diagram Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 9
Answer explanation: We can find reference in the 9th line of paragraph E, which states that at the top of the envelope is a self-closing flap that allows hot air to escape at a controlled rate to slow ascents or cause the balloon to descend descents. This is named the parachute valve. These lines indicate that the top of the envelope which allows the hot air to escape at a controlled rate to slow is called a parachute valve. So, the answer is parachute valve.
9 Answer: Envelope
Question type: Diagram Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 5
Answer explanation: The 5th line of paragraph E illustrates that the balloon itself is made of strips of fabric called gores which run from the skirt to the top of the balloon; they are further broken into individual panels. This section of the craft is referred to as the envelope. We can understand that the strips of fabric running from skirt to top of the balloon are broken down into individual panels called envelopes. Thus, the answer is Envelope.
10 Answer: Panels
Question type: Diagram Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, Line 5
Answer explanation: The 5th line of paragraph E states that the balloon itself is made of strips of fabric called gores which run from the skirt to the top of the balloon; they are further broken into individual panels. We understand that the balloon is made of strips of fabric called gores which are further broken down into individual parts called panels. So, the answer is panels.
11 Answer: Gores
Question type: Diagram Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 5
Answer explanation: We can understand from the 5th line of paragraph E that the balloon itself is made of strips of fabric called gores which runs from the skirt to the top of the balloon. Thus, the answer is gores.
Illegal Downloads Reading Answers (Passage 2)
12 Answer: C
Question type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 2
Answer explanation: The 2nd line of paragraph C states that recently, an American woman shared 27 illegally downloaded songs with her friends and was ordered to pay $1.92 million to the record company for deliberate infringement of the companies’ copyrights. More recently in America, a 12-year-old girl was sued for downloading music illegally and could face a penalty of 1150,000 per song. The order of payment from the courts to the American woman who shared the 27 tracks with her friends has spurred controversy as the public disagrees with the ordered Infringement. These lines reveal that as the amount of fine that the illegal downloaders have to pay is very large and impossible for them to arrange. Therefore, there exists a huge disparity between fines and costs. Thus, the answer is C.
13 Answer: B
Question type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph B
Answer explanation: The initial lines of paragraph B states, “if you think that copying music results in simply a slap on the wrist, think twice. Under government law, record companies are entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement but the law allows the jury to increase that to as much as $150,000 per song if it finds the infringements were deliberate. The music industry has threatened about 35,000 people with charges of copyright infringement over the past decade.” We can deduce from these lines that the record companies are entitled to fines from $750 to $30,000 per infringement. This penalty can rise up to $150,000 per song if the act is deliberate and over the decades, the music industry has been stringent to file charges on almost 35000 people. Thus, paragraph B explains the potential costs of piracy to the defendant. So, the answer is B.
14 Answer: A
Question type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph A, line 2
Answer explanation: The 2nd line of paragraph A reveals that Illegal music downloads have reached an all-time high, and a recent survey of high school students revealed an estimated 3.6 billion songs being downloaded per month. These lines highlight that there has been tremendous growth of illegal music downloaders and the estimated data states that high school students have downloaded about 3.6 billion songs per month. Thus, the answer is A.
15 Answer: H
Question type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph H, line 1
Answer explanation: The initial lines of paragraph H illustrates that when high school students were asked how they felt about the business of downloading illegally from the net they appeared to be divided on the issue. Some seemed to think there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Others felt that it should be thought of as a serious crime like any other form of theft. These lines indicate that the issue of downloading illegal music has contradictory opinions when asked to the high-school students. Some of them felt that there was no issue of downloading illegal music from the net, whereas some opposed it and considered it as theft. Thus, the answer is H.
16 Answer: G
Question type: Matching Information
Answer location: Paragraph G line 4
Answer explanation: The 4th line of paragraph G depicts that at the same time, the RIAA has offered amnesty to the illegal downloaded who decide to come forward and agree to stop illegally downloading music over the Internet. People who have already been sued are obviously not eligible for amnesty. These lines indicate that the RIAA has given a relief to the illegal music downloaders and are intending to stop the illegal downloading. The amnesty has also not been extended to the people who have filed cases of downloading music illegally. Thus, the answer is G.
17 Answer: $30000
Question type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 2
Answer explanation: We can find reference in the 2nd line of paragraph B, it is mentioned that under government law, record companies are entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement but the law allows the jury to increase that to as much as $150,000 per song if it finds the infringements were deliberate. These lines indicate that the record companies are entitled to $30,000 per infringement, which can also be increased to $150,000 per song if the infringement is deliberate. Therefore, a record company can charge upto $30,000. Thus, the answer is $30,000.
18 Answer: Commercial
Question type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 7
Answer explanation: Paragraph B highlights the fact that under law of copyright violation, most illegal companies are penalized from $750 to $150000. The 8th line of the paragraph states that the penalties for breaching the copyright act differ slightly depending upon whether the infringing is for commercial or private financial gain, with the latter punishment being far milder. We can deduce from these lines that the penalty for breaching copyright act is stricter in case the action is performed for commercial profits compared to personal use. Thus, the answer is Commercial.
19 Answer: internet service provider
Question type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph E
Answer explanation: The initial lines of paragraph E reveals that being a difficult thing to police, the music industry has decided that it would be much easier to go after the internet service provider than to try and track down each individual case. We can understand that rather than hunting down every illegal music downloader, it will be convenient and efficient to target the Internet service provider. Thus, the answer is internet service provider.
20 Answer: fair use
Question type: Sentence Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F
Answer explanation: The introductory lines of paragraph F states that if there are so many issues around the downloading of music, you might wonder why sales of MP3 players and CD burners are increasing rapidly The answer is simple – these devices do have a legitimate purpose defined as ‘fair use. These lines suggest that due to the devices having a valid purpose known as fair use, sales of some mp3 players and CD burners are increasing quickly. Thus, the devices used in connection with illegal downloads are sold under the term, fair use. Thus, the answer is fair use.
21 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/ Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 5
Answer explanation: We can find reference in the 5th line of paragraph B, which states that the industry estimates that more than a hundred of these cases remain unsettled in court, with fewer than 10 offenders actively arguing the case against them. These lines indicate that there are several pending cases in the court, with less than 10 offenders arguing the case against them. Thus, the statement contradicts the information, so, the answer is False.
22 Answer: True
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 1
Answer explanation: The initial lines of paragraph E reveals that being a difficult thing to police, the music industry has decided that it would be much easier to go after the internet service provider than to try and track down each individual case. These lines point out that monitoring and controlling the illegal downloading of music is difficult for the police. As a result, it has been decided to use Internet service providers to track down illegal music downloaders. Thus, the answer is True.
23 Answer: Not Given
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph H
Answer explanation: Paragraph H illustrates that when high school students were asked how they felt about the business of downloading illegally from the net they appeared to be divided on the issue. Some seemed to think there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Others felt that it should be thought of as a serious crime like any other form of theft. We can deduce from the lines that the problem of downloading illegal music had contradictory views when high school students were asked about it. Some of the students felt that the illegal downloading of songs had no issue while others treated it as a serious crime like theft. However, there’s no reference to the fact that the high school students are responsible for illegally downloading the music. Thus, the answer is Not Given.
The Natural World Reading Answers (Passage 3)
24 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph B, line 3
Answer explanation: The 3rd line of paragraph B states that the triggers of less light and lower temperatures signal to the body that it is time to slow and begin the pattern of sleep. Of course, there may be many hours between sunset and the time people actually go to bed, but it is from this time that we generally become increasingly less alert and reaction times can be noticeably slower. We can understand from these lines that sunset is the time that triggers the slowdown, however, at this time, individuals generally become less and reaction time can be slower than usual. Therefore, an individual can’t be at their slowest at sunset logically as that is the time an individual begins to slow down rather than being at the lowest. Thus, the statement disagrees with the information, so, the answer is False.
25 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 2
Answer explanation: The 2nd line of paragraph C states that despite getting a good 8 hours sleep during the day, night shift workers still tend to feel drowsy for at least some of the night. This is the main factor for the increase in workplace accidents on this shift when compared to the day shift. These lines illustrate that even after sleeping for 8 hours during the day, night shift workers feel sleepy at some point in the night, which is the main reason for the surge in workplace accidents in the night shift compared to the day shift. Therefore, the information contradicts the statement, so, the answer is False.
26 Answer: True
Question type: True /False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph C, line 6
Answer explanation: The 6th line of paragraph C illustrates that International travel, notably when traveling in excess of 4 hours, can also have a significant effect; in extreme cases, it can take up to 7 days for your rhythm to reset due to this, a phenomenon referred to as jet lag. These lines suggest that an international trip might take upto 4 hours which can have a significant impact. However, in extreme cases, it might take up to 7 days for the rhythm to reset due to jet lag. Thus, it is evident that limited travel has minimal effect on the body’s circadian rhythm. So, the answer is True.
27 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph D
Answer explanation: Paragraph D explains the tips to help body work with circadian rhythm. The initial lines of the paragraph states that first thing in the morning take a short walk outside or open all the curtains to get as much light as possible through the eyes and into the brain. Lighting levels that affect circadian rhythm in humans are higher than the levels usually used in artificial lighting in homes. We can deduce from these lines that it’s important to take a short walk outside or open all the curtains to get light through the eyes and brain. The lighting levels affecting circadian rhythm are higher than the levels used in artificial lighting in homes. Thus, the information contradicts the statement. So, the answer is False.
28 Answer: False
Question type: True/False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 10
Answer explanation: We can find reference in the 10th line of paragraph D, which states that sleepy drivers should stop for a nap – playing loud music or leaving windows open is an overrated misconception. These lines indicate that playing loud music or winding down the window are an overrated misconception as it wouldn’t help the drivers. As a result, if the drivers feel drowsy, they must stop the car for a small nap. Thus, the statement disagrees with the information. So, the answer is False.
29 Answer: False
Question type: True/ False/Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 2
Answer explanation: We can understand from the 2nd line of paragraph E that every human has their own unique body clock that controls the daily changes in how they think and feel and oversees a number or their personal characteristics such as sleep patterns. We can understand from these lines that the body clock controls the daily changes in how humans think, feel, and oversees a number of personal factors. As a result, everyone has a unique body clock. Thus, the information contradicts the statement. So, the answer is False.
30 Answer: Not Given
Question type: True/False/ Not Given
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 7
Answer explanation: The 7th line of paragraph D states that late morning is better for challenging tasks. After lunch, you may feel like nodding off. Take scheduled breaks. These lines indicate that late morning is better to do challenging tasks, because individuals feel sleepy after lunch, so, they’re advised to take scheduled breaks. However, there’s no mention of many people taking short rests just after eating lunch. Therefore, the answer is Not Given.
31 Answer: Wavelength/ colour
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 3
Answer explanation: The 3rd line of paragraph D states that Lighting levels that affect circadian rhythm in humans are higher than the levels usually used in artificial lighting in homes. In addition to the strength of the light, wavelength (or color) of light is a factor, the best thing that is present in sunlight. We can deduce that lighting levels affecting our circadian rhythm are higher than the levels usually used in the AI in homes. Apart from the strength of light, wavelength or color of light is yet another factor which is best present in the sunlight. Thus, the answer is wavelength/ color.
32 Answer: late afternoon
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, line 8
Answer explanation: The 8th line of paragraph D states that the best time to exercise is in the late afternoon – your body temperature reaches its daily high, it is warmed up and stretched from spending your day at work. These lines suggest that it’s best to exercise in the afternoon as the body temperature reaches its daily high and is warmed up and stretched from spending the day at work. Therefore, the late afternoons are the specific part of the day when the body remains warmed up. So, the answer is late afternoon.
33 Answer: An eye mask
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph D, last line
Answer explanation: The last line of paragraph D states that if you work in the night shift, use bright lights and music in the workplace to keep your brain alert. Wear an eye mask to block out the light when you want to go to sleep. These lines suggest that the night shift workers should wwea an eye mask to block out the light when they go to sleep. Thus, the answer is an eye mask.
34 Answer: A hummingbird
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph E, line 3
Answer explanation: The 3rd line in paragraph E states, “your body clock dictates whether you are a night owl, happy to work late into the night, an early bird who prefers the morning or a hummingbird, happy to work both ends of the day.” These lines indicate that the human body clock dictates if a person is a night owl or an early bird who likes mornings or a hummingbird, who’s happy to work both ends of the day. Thus, a person may be a hummingbird who works equally well in the morning and in the evening. So, the answer is Hummingbird.
35 Answer: Lose weight
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph E, last line
Answer explanation: The last line of paragraph E states, “Your body clock is what causes you to gain a few kilograms in autumn and wintertime and to make it easier to lose weight in spring and summer.” We can deduce from these lines that the human body clock is what causes them to gain a few pounds in autumn and wintertime and makes it easier to lose weight in spring and summer. Thus, the answer is lose weight.
36 Answer: Alcohol and cigarettes
Question type: Short Answer Questions
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 12
Answer explanation: The 12th line of paragraph F illustrates the readers to avoid alcohol and cigarettes before sleep time. Thus, it’s better to avoid alcohol and cigarettes before bed and to get a good night’s sleep. Therefore, the answer is Alcohol and cigarettes.
37 Answer: Rhythm
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F
Answer explanation: The initial lines of paragraph F depicts that being aware of a few issues can help us maintain the best rhythms for our body clocks, but there are some tips and tools that can help. We can understand from these lines that being familiar with some issues can help humans maintain the best rhythms of their body clock. Thus, the answer is rhythm.
38 Answer: White
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 5
Answer explanation: In the 5th line of paragraph F, the writer states that avoiding interruptions to your sleep is also very important. If there is intermittent, irregular noise, use a fan or any white noise device that generates calming sounds. These lines indicate that by using a fan or any white noise device, humans can avoid intermittent and irregular noises as they generate calming sounds. Therefore, white noise device or fan can be used to avoid external noise. So, the answer is white.
39 Answer: Metabolism
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 7
Answer explanation: We can understand from the 7th line of paragraph F that the writer advises the readers to eat small frequent meals to help stoke the metabolism. Therefore, small and regular meals keep metabolism at its best. Thus, the answer is metabolism.
40 Answer: Nap/ Sleep
Question type: Summary Completion
Answer location: Paragraph F, line 12
Answer explanation: We can deduce from the twelfth line of paragraph F that if someone feels sleepy during the day, then they can take a short nap. They can also set an alarm to avoid sleeping for no more than 20 minutes. Thus, the answer is Nap/Sleep.
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