Health - IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 Sample Answers
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The article provides Band 9 sample answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 questions on health. It covers questions on healthy habits, the importance of a balanced diet, and experiences of illness. It also offers useful vocabulary for preparation.
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Health is not always about doctors and medicines. It is also about small everyday choices that add up to a happier, healthier you. As it is part and parcel of our lives, it is important to be prepared for heath IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 and 3 to achieve your dream band score.
So, let’s explore some Band 9 sample answers on IELTS Speaking health.
Health IELTS Speaking Part 1
Let’s begin with some IELTS Speaking recent actual test questions and sample answers on health and explore some related vocabulary for top 9 common topics in IELTS exam for top 9 common topics in IELTS exam, one of which is health, to boost the quality of answers.
1 Do you have any unhealthy habits?
Well, everyone is addicted to some habit which they try to change and I am one among them. My work priorities are such that I reach home around 8 pm. I feel lazy to cook, so I go to bed with an empty stomach or order a takeaway.
2 In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
I try to stay healthy by eating a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Thereafter, I workout for a minimum of 40 minutes and meditate for 20 minutes. It is important for everyone to focus on the fitness level to stay healthy.
3 Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
Yes, it’s quite easy for me to stay fit where I live, because there are several fitness centers and gyms located within the vicinity of my area where many individuals and middle-aged people come to workout.
4 What do you think is more important, eating healthy or doing exercise?
In my opinion, eating a healthy diet and exercise are quite essential for long-term weight loss and overall health care. We need to balance both food and exercise for healthy living. Therefore, a person must eat healthily and exercise regularly to achieve long-lasting results.
5 Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy?
Well, there are many unhealthy habits that I would like to discard straight away. Some of them are procrastinating physical exercises, eating junk foods, taking irregular meals, and skipping breakfast or eating late at night.
6 Do you think more about your health now than when you were younger?
Of course! I do think about my health now more than when I was younger. During the school days, My mother was concerned about my health and even now she is. But now as I am working and staying in a hostel, it has all come up on me. Initially, I was careless and didn’t take care of myself. But, with time, I’ve realized the importance of health and ensure that I practice eating healthy foods and workout on a regular basis.
7 What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
There are several health benefits of playing a sport. Physical activity can give a better chance to build your muscles and burn fat. Sports can give physical fitness and as well mental strength. Active participation in physical activities and sports have a tremendous impact on the human body.
8 What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
I think playing sports benefit us both physically and mentally. When you play sports, you are giving your body time to build muscles, and burn fat. Therefore, you will be fitter and stronger. Also, you are giving your body time to relax. That’s why I enjoy working out so much.
9 What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?
The thing I would most like to improve as a busy professional is my work-life balance. In order to promote overall well-being within the rigours of my profession, I hope to make more time for rest, exercise, and spending time with loved ones.
10 How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?
I put a great deal of importance on leading a healthy lifestyle because it has a direct effect on my general health and quality of life. Getting regular exercise, a healthy diet, and enough sleep a priority improves not just my physical health but also my mental and emotional resilience.
Health Speaking Part 1 Vocabulary
Let us look at some Band 9 words used in the sample answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1 question on health.
- Takeaway
Meaning: food which is ordered and made in a restaurant and is then taken away to be eaten at home or elsewhere
Example: Children should not be given takeaways regularly as they are not healthy.
- Procrastinating
Meaning: to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring
Example: Jim is known for procrastinating his tasks.
- Rigours
Meaning: harsh but just treatment or action
Example: After the rigours of the day’s work, the old man was happy with his efforts.
- Resilience
Meaning: the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened
Example: Nowadays, people lack the resilience to work.
- Well- balanced diet
Meaning: a healthy diet consists of many fresh fruits and vegetables and limits processed foods
Example: Individuals need a well-balanced diet and regular exercise to remain fit.
- Junk food
Meaning: food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat
Example: Mongol likes junk food but his parents do not allow it.
- Addicted
Meaning: unable to stop taking drugs, or doing something as a habit
Example: Mario is an addicted gamer.
- Workout
Meaning: a practice or exercise to test or improve one’s fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance
Example: Players come here to workout every morning.
- Work-life balance
Meaning: to maintaining a harmonious relationship between your work and personal life
Example: It is important to maintain a work-life balance to remain healthy.
Want to brush up your speaking skills with a discussion on health?
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card – Describe a time when you were ill
In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you’ll be given a task card asking you to describe a situation or a topic, followed by 3-4 questions on the topic like the one below.
Describe a time when you were ill.
You should say :
- When was this?
- What were your symptoms?
- How long did the illness last?
- And say how it affected your life at the time.
Describe a time when you were ill – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 1
- Introduction – When was this?
I came down with the Coronavirus during the first few weeks of lockdown and it was a pretty terrifying experience. Not only was it a completely unknown disease, but due to the traveling restrictions and isolation period imposed on those affected, I was not able to have anyone help me or take care of me at all.
- What were your symptoms?
It began like a cold, only my ears were plugged and I coughed my lungs out. I would get a fever and chills, which became worse at night. I was exhausted – if I took a hot shower to relieve the chills, I’d then have to sit down for fifteen minutes due to my legs trembling before I could do anything else.
- How long did the illness last?
For the first three days, I had headaches, a sore throat, and lost my sense of smell.
Then for an entire week, I could hardly move. I also lost my appetite, suffered chronic exhaustion, chest and sinus congestion, and developed a fever. I would sleep for most of the day, just getting up to sip water and use the restroom. I was ultimately released from quarantine after three weeks, but I was still suffering from brain fog, just a complete inability to concentrate on things, and it took me a long time to get back on my feet.
- Conclusion – Say how it affected your life at the time.
The strangest aspect was that the symptoms were not consistent. It would be pretty bad one day, then I’d feel mostly normal the next, and then it’d return with a surprising new symptom. It is an unusual sickness with no prediction. I would never wish it on anyone. I’m relieved to finally get the vaccination.
Describe a time when you were ill – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer 2
- Introduction
Well, I’ve never been seriously ill, but I can remember a couple of weeks ago, I had taken leave for 3 days because I was under the weather.
- When was this?
It was a typical day, and I was walking back home from work when it started raining cats and dogs and I was caught off guard. Despite my efforts to seek shelter, I ended up getting completely soaked in the rain.
- What were your symptoms?
The next day when I woke up, I was a bit off-color. I still remember feeling poorly and even got a headache, a sore throat, chesty cough, and a blocked nose. I decided to see my GP for a check-up. My GP said that I caught a heavy cold and had to take a lot of medicines.
- How long did the illness last?
The fever lasted for approximately three days, and those were definitely the hardest days I’ve had in a long time. It was really inconvenient for someone with a busy schedule to get sick at that specific time. I had a critical project presentation to lead, and calling in sick risked not only disappointing my team but also causing the project’s development to be delayed.
- And say how it affected your life at the time.
My routine was severely interrupted by the illness. Easy duties that I would ordinarily glide through turned into difficult assignments. Getting out of bed was an uphill task in and of itself. Feeling helpless and unable to carry out my everyday tasks efficiently was frustrating. In addition, the excruciating agony and suffering prevented me from concentrating or focusing on anything but hoping for a quick recovery. The choice to reschedule the presentation further increased the tension. It required changing the schedule of meetings, modifying the deadlines, and maybe upsetting other project participants.
- Conclusion
In the end, I realized that taking care of my health came first, so I took some time off to rest and recover. This helped me to make a speedy recovery and return to my duties with more energy.
Health – IELTS Speaking Part 3
Browse through the IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to the cue card on health and prepare your own sample answers.
1 Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?
No, I don’t think so. Nowadays, most people are leading a sedentary lifestyle where they don’t have enough time to look after themselves. They don’t pay attention to their diet and hardly workout. But there are a few self-conscious people who are aware of their health and prefer eating a healthy diet and doing some physical activities in their life to ensure they’re healthy.
2 How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?
One of the best ways a person can be encouraged to stay healthy is by talking to them about the health benefits. They can even promote health benefits through advertisements. People will get motivated and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
3 What is the best way of helping people with an addiction?
I think the most effective approach to assist those struggling with addiction is to combine expert care, compassion, and support. They should be motivated to get professional assistance from medical specialists who have expertise treating addiction and provide non-judgmental support.
4 What costs are involved when you are ill in your country?
In my country, the costs depend upon the kind of hospitals we prefer. There are government hospitals that are less expensive than private hospitals. In private hospitals, we have to pay a fortune to get our treatment done. However, it is up to us to choose the hospitals wisely.
5 Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?/ Do you think people start worrying more about their health as they become older?
Of course! In my opinion, once a person hits the 40s, they’re more likely to get signs of diseases and conditions like blood pressure, heart attack, etc. So they become health-conscious and take precautionary measures.
6 What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?
There are many ways to stay healthy and in my country, a majority of the youngsters prefer working out in gym and fitness center, while the middle-aged men and women prefer doing yoga, pilates, squats, and other exercises, and the old people prefer walking or jogging in the early morning to remain healthy.
7 Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?
Although some people know that bad habits are damaging their health, they continue to follow them. This is because they have attached themselves to bad habits. As the saying goes ‘bad habits die hard’ it becomes difficult for people to stop doing things that they’ve inculcated in their daily routine.
8 Do women pay more attention to their health than men?
Not exactly! Women in my country always pay more attention to the health of their husbands and kids rather than paying attention to themselves. But they make sure that they don’t involve themselves in bad habits that would have an impact on their health.
9 Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years?
Obviously, Yes! Nowadays, many people have become health conscious which is a positive sign. It may be because of the influence of their favorite actors who portray the importance of health benefits on television. Moreover, everyone wishes to live a long and illness-free life. So they have realized the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
10 How can children learn to have a healthy lifestyle?
Children should be taught to stay healthy from the day they start going to school. Moreover, they are influenced by people around them. So, as a society, we should adopt a healthy lifestyle which will influence the children. Instilling a healthy lifestyle in children can help in building the framework of healthy habits till the end of their life.
11 Do you think the government should promote a healthy lifestyle among the citizens?
According to me, yes, the government should promote a healthy lifestyle among the citizens by setting up campaigns about the awareness of chronic diseases. They can impose tax on junk foods, build a public park for the citizens to exercise in the morning, forecast a program and advertisement regarding the healthy lifestyle on TV and radio.
12 Would you say modern science and technology has more of a positive or a negative influence on people’s health?
There are various ways in which modern science and technology has helped the human race such as curing diseases through operations/surgeries. Modern Science has simplified the concept of health in daily life, by giving important details and opportunities for treatment quickly and accurately. Yet, there are some negative impacts of using these technologies. But they are minimal.
13 How can individuals take more responsibility for their own health?
People can focus on preventative care, such as routine check-ups and screenings, to identify potential health issues early on and take greater ownership of their own health. Moreover, they can also take up stress-reduction techniques, a balanced diet, frequent exercise, and enough sleep, among other healthy lifestyle practices.
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Health IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for Part 2 & 3
Check out some IELTS Vocabulary and boost your IELTS band score by using these impressive vocabulary given below while answering the cue card, 'Describe a time when you were ill' and follow-up questions about health!
- To be under the weather
Meaning: (informal) to not feel well
Example: After returning from her vacation, she felt under the weather and took a leave from work.
- Raining cats and dogs
Meaning: rain heavily
Example: It was raining cats and dogs.
- To be a bit off-color
Meaning: to feel a little ill
Example: John’s been a bit off-color for the past two days.
- Speedy recovery
Meaning: to recover quickly from an illness
Example: The doctor wished John a speedy recovery.
- Chronic exhaustion
Meaning: a condition that lasts for more than 6 months in which a person feels tired most of the time
Example: After the recent accident, Mr. Jackson suffered from chronic exhaustion and depression.
- Health-conscious
Meaning: concerned about how healthy one’s diet and lifestyle are
Example: My mother is health-conscious and she doesn’t allow me to eat junk food.
- Precautionary
Meaning: taken in advance to protect against possible danger or failure
Example: The doctors tried to take some precautionary measures in order to save the child.
- Campaigns
Meaning: an organized course of action to achieve a goal
Example: The NGO members have decided to set up an awareness campaign next week.
- Minimal
Meaning: of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree; negligible
Example: My car suffered minimal damage during the accident.
Make Your Speaking Skills Stand Out with IELTSMaterial
Speaking well involves more than just being fluent, like expressing your ideas concisely, using a IELTS Speaking Vocabulary, and using proper IELTS Grammar. Achieving all these on your own might be a little challenging. So, you can connect with our IELTS experts or join the free webinars for tips to take your IELTS Speaking preparation to the next level.
Additional Reads
- Describe a healthy lifestyle you know – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers
- Describe Something you do that keeps you Fit and Healthy – IELTS Cue Card Sample Answers
- Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the internet Cue Card Sample Answers
- Describe Something you Have Done that is Good for Your Health- IELTS Cue Card
- IELTS Speaking Practice Test (Video)
- Describe an Activity you do for your Health or Fitness- IELTS Cue Card
- Describe a health problem you once had – IELTS Cue Card
- Describe something healthy you enjoy doing – IELTS Cue Card
- Describe a Time When you Had to Go to a Hospital or See a Doctor- IELTS Cue Card
- Describe a healthy lifestyle you know: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer
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