IELTS Writing Task 2 Argumentative Essay Topic: Studies show that many criminals have a low level of education
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The Essay Writing Task 2 section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS exam.
IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic
Studies show that many criminals have a low level of education. For this reason, people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate people in prison so they can get a job when leave prison. Do you agree or disagree? OR
All criminals should have access to education and rehabilitation programs while in prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the topic?
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Essay Type
Opinion Essay
Sentence 1: Paraphrase the essay topic using proper synonyms
Sentence 2: Mention whether you agree or disagree with the essay statement.
Body Paragraph
Paragraph 1: Low literacy rate and the employment rate are the primary reasons illiterates start committing crimes as they’re not unable to find work.
Paragraph 2: Criminals can also try their hands doing alternative activities that will aid them in their long-term survival.
Summarise the topic and restate your views.
Sample Answer
Recently, crime has been increasing out of control. Some hold the idea that in order to deter crimes, criminals should be given proper education while in prison. Personally, I partly share the same view with this.
To begin with, nurture, not nature, is responsible for malignant and antisocial behaviours. That is to say, everybody is born with good personalities and what turns some into criminals is parental neglect and lack of education. Many studies have shown that children who are not supervised by their parents on a regular basis are many times more likely to go off the rails, commit acts of selfishness or to behave aggressively against others. Therefore, a good number of prisoners after being released will not repeat their offences if they are given an education.
In addition, while being in jail, inmates have plenty of time which can be misspent. For example, some of them spend their time gambling with their cellmates or accessing materials with objectionable contents. Thus, giving them the opportunity to be educated translates to the reduction of time, which can be potentially frittered away or used for malicious purposes.
Nevertheless, there are objections to this perspective as well. Those who oppose it, claim that the potential program of giving education to criminals can cost a huge amount of money from the Government budget. However, considering the result it can deliver in the long run as far as societal stability is concerned, this program is not a waste of taxpayers’ money.
In conclusion, in my view, education can reduce participation in criminal activities, and inmates should receive an education while serving time.
Band 9 Sample Answer
Crime is one of the serious problems prevailing worldwide, and it has been increasing at an exorbitant rate in recent years. As a result, every country is seeking to deal with this critical issue. Some people believe that longer prison sentences will assist in curbing crime, while others disagree and argue that there are better ways to deal with the issue of incarceration, such as education and providing ways of earning money, that are far more successful and beneficial. I find myself in agreement with the view that incarcerated persons should have access to education and employability skills.
To begin with, the crime rate in low-literacy countries is comparatively greater than in literate countries because illiterate people are unable to find work, so they resort to criminal activities to supplement their income, resulting in getting caught and being put behind bars. Since they have plenty of time in jail, they can use it to learn a course or a skill and become educated, which will help them after they have served their sentence. These offenders’ minds will be less inclined to engage in illegal activities if they spend their free time learning.
Furthermore, the convicts should be educated about the alternative ways of earning their daily bread such as sewing, plumbing, furniture refinishing, carpentry, cooking, doing laundry, gardening, packaging, painting, etc. In this way, the prisoners can get a chance to learn and work while carrying out their sentences, which will also help them to sustain themselves after they’ve completed their term. Employability skills and basic understanding of how to make money will help offenders gain confidence in their ability to become a good person and reintegrate with the society Thus, educating criminals provides a number of benefits.
However, some people opine that offenders should face longer jail sentences since this phenomenon will invoke fear in other convicts, stopping them from committing crimes again. This is predominantly because offenders might not go down the same path after being released as they would fear the consequences related to it.
To sum up, the inability to find work after serving a jail sentence is one of the key factors that drive convicts to commit crimes again; however, I believe that if these criminals are provided with access to education and work skills in prison, then their life could take a turn towards a better and crime-free future. Thus, education will provide the offenders with the right direction to live a life free of crime.
- Reintegrate
Meaning: integrate (someone) back into society.
Eg: It was challenging for the ex-convict to reintegrate into society.
- Resort
Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.
Eg: The juniors resorted to a fight with their seniors.
- Exorbitant
Meaning: (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.
Eg: Max spent an exorbitant amount of money to purchase an Audi.
- Incarcerated
Meaning: imprison or confine.
Eg: The older man was incarcerated for killing his wife.
- Sustain
Meaning: strengthen or support physically or mentally.
Eg: Individuals must do a suitable job to sustain themselves in today’s fast-paced environment.
- Acknowledge
Meaning: to admit the truth or existence of
Eg: The teacher acknowledged Jim’s difficulty in learning.
- Incline
Meaning: have a tendency to do something.
Eg: Children are inclined to do mischievous activities.
- Carpentry
Meaning: the activity or occupation of making or repairing things in wood.
Eg: Keith’s carpentry skills were exemplary.
- Invoke
Meaning: cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument.
Eg: The nomads invoked fear among the villagers.
- Behind bars
Meaning: someone is in jail
Eg: Jack was put behind bars for breaking the driving rules.
Bonus topic:
Some people think that sending criminals to prison is not effective. Education and job training should be used instead. Do you agree or disagree?
Useful Expressions :
- To deter crimes: prevent criminal acts.
- To have antisocial behaviour: A behaviour that is harmful to society.
- Parental neglect: not enough care from parents.
- Supervise (v.) control.
- Go off the rails: start behaving in a unacceptable way.
- Objectionable (adj.) unpleasant, wrong
- Inmate (v.) those who are imprisoned
- Societal stability.
- To fritter away time: misspend time.
- Malicious (adj.) intended to harm others
- To translate to: change something into something
- To corroborate something: add proof to it.
- To serve time: to be put into prison.
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