Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers
Want to ace the IELTS Reading test? Explore Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers with detailed explanations, and step-by-step tips on tackling different question types efficiently. Boost your reading skills & improve your score!
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This article contains the Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading answers. The IELTS Reading passage, “Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep”, has appeared in the recent IELTS Academic examination. With diligent practice, the Reading Module can be the top-scoring category for IELTS Aspirants. To score well, you must understand how to approach and answer the different question types in the Reading Module. By solving and reviewing Sample Reading Questions from past IELTS papers, you can ensure that your Reading skills are up to the mark. Practise the reading passage ‘Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep’ below and for more, try IELTS reading practice tests.
Not sure how to answer IELTS Reading Matching Headings questions? Check out the video below for the latest tips and strategies!
Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Passage
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27, which are based on the Reading Passage below.
A. Sleep difficulties are not unusual . Insomnia, a sleep condition, can occur when you do not feel like you are having enough or comfortable sleep. One or more of the following symptoms characterise insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep, waking up repeatedly during the night and unable to return to sleep, waking up early in the morning, and not getting enough rest. Insomnia is not defined by the amount of sleep one gets each night. Everyone's sleep requirements differ. Some people may work well on little sleep, while others require more.
B. Most insomniacs are over 60, have a history of depression, or are women, particularly after menopause. People who have experienced a great deal of emotional anguish, such as being divorced, losing a loved one, or being separated, are more prone to have difficulty sleeping. The most prevalent reasons for the inability to sleep are stress, worry, illness, and other sleep issues such as restless legs syndrome. A hectic work schedule, jet lag, brain damage from a stroke or Alzheimer's disease, or too much alcohol or illegal drugs can all contribute to insomnia. It may also be associated with a variety of mental diseases.
C. How sleep actually occurs is a mystery. After dark, the pineal gland in your brain releases melatonin, a hormone thought to be responsible for putting you to sleep. Exactly why sleep is so crucial for one's health and cognitive performance is a mystery. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep are the two most well-known categories of slumber. During rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is associated with dreaming, eye movement occurs even while the eyelids are closed. During this stage, oxygen consumption, blood flow, and neuronal activity all peak. Four or five REM cycles occur nightly. The duration of your period may vary from ten to fifteen minutes at the start of the night to as much as thirty minutes later in the evening. Non-REM sleep, in which the body moves more slowly, occurs between REM sleep episodes. There are four distinct phases of non-REM sleep. Phases 3 and 4 of sleep are the most difficult to interrupt. The night progresses, and the non-REM sleep stages get shorter and less deep. In the initial two phases, the body repairs itself with the help of a hormone called somatostatin. Insomnia in stage 4 is linked to the development of chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia.
D. Medical specialists are capable of diagnosing insomnia in a number of ways. Insomnia can be subdivided based on the frequency of its occurrence. There are numerous causes of inadequate sleep, but insomnia is the most prevalent. The majority of cases of insomnia fall into either primary insomnia or secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia is a chronic sleep condition that does not appear to be related to mental or physical suffering. The most prevalent type of primary insomnia is psychophysiological. Stress resulting from a medical condition is the cause of secondary insomnia.
E. All patients suffering from insomnia can benefit from instituting better sleep hygiene practices. It can be helpful to set up a restful bedroom and unwind an hour before bedtime. Some people, such as those who get up earlier than usual or have problems falling asleep, may require less sleep than they're accustomed to. In the elderly, treating insomnia can be as simple as adjusting one's sleep schedule by going to bed later or getting up earlier. The causes and degree of insomnia determine the course of treatment. It may not be required to treat transitory or intermittent insomnia as the symptoms only last a few days. Action needs to be taken, however, if lack of sleep is causing significant disruption to daily life. Effective treatment for insomnia typically requires fixing whatever is causing it. For instance, sleeplessness is a common symptom of depression and can be treated to improve the patient's mood.
F. Inadequate sleep can have a detrimental influence on productivity, mood, and attention. Feeling like you "got out of bed on the wrong side" is a common symptom of sleep deprivation. Dissatisfaction may stem from feeling as though you never slept or waking up with a headache. Stress can interfere with sleep, but sleep deprivation can make it more difficult to relax. Driving when drowsy is a serious risk, especially for people who suffer from insomnia. Insomnia can have serious consequences, such as a decrease in productivity and the loss of promotional opportunities. It could make you doubt yourselves. Insomnia can sometimes mask serious mental illnesses. Despite the fact that many people with insomnia attribute their problems solely to a lack of sleep, insomnia can be an indicator of something more serious, such as depression. According to research, insomniacs are four times more likely to be depressed than people who get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation has been linked to heart disease and other major health problems. All of these issues are serious and might have far-reaching consequences.
G. Insomnia sufferers can benefit from developing sleep rituals to help them relax and drift off to sleep. Some examples of these habits include keeping a regular bedtime and wake time, eliminating coffee, nicotine, alcohol, and late-night snacking, getting regular exercise, and making sure your bedroom is a pleasant environment in terms of the bed, noise level, and temperature. People who suffer from insomnia would do well to confine their sleeping to their beds. Don't waste the night tossing and turning if you can't sleep. Get up and do something relaxing, like reading, until you are exhausted once more.
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Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Questions
Questions 14-19
The reading passage on Insomnia has 7 paragraphs (A – G). From the list of headings below choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B – G.
Write the appropriate number (i – xi) in boxes 14 – 19 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
i The Role of Sleep
ii Insomnia Medication
iii Habits to Promote a Good Night’s Sleep
iv What is Insomnia
v Complications for Insomniacs
vi Government Action
vii Available Treatment for Insomnia
viii The Causes of Insomnia
ix Therapy Solutions
x Types of Insomnia
xi Current Research
14 Paragraph B
15 Paragraph C
16 Paragraph D
17 Paragraph E
18 Paragraph F
19 Paragraph G
Questions 20-24
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the reading
passage on Insomnia?
YES if the statement agrees with the writer
NO if the statement doesn’t agree with the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
20 Travelling can cause insomnia.
21 People think that REM sleep is the most important for resting the body.
22 Secondary insomnia is far more common than primary insomnia.
23 Specialized sleep clinics are available for anyone struggling with insomnia.
24 Many people with insomnia don't even recognise they have the disorder.
Questions 25-27
Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
25. All patients suffering from insomnia can benefit from instituting better sleep _______ practices.
26. Insomnia sufferers can benefit from developing sleep rituals to help them _____ and drift off to sleep.
27. Insomnia can have serious consequences, such as a decrease in _________ and the loss of promotional opportunities.
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Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers
The answers with explanations for Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers are given below
14. Answer: viii
Answer Location: Paragraph B
Answer Keywords: Insomnia occurs most frequently in people over age 60, people with a history of depression, stress, anxiety, an irregular work schedule, jet lag
Answer Explanation: The whole paragraph describes different disorders that can lead to insomnia. Hence, “The Causes of Insomnia” is the correct heading for Paragraph B.
15. Answer: i
Answer Location: Paragraph C
Answer Keywords: Sleep consists of, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep, body repairs itself
Answer Explanation: The paragraph explains why sleep is necessary and how it affects the body. Hence, “The Role of Sleep” is the correct heading for Paragraph C.
16. Answer: x
Answer Location: Paragraph D
Answer Keywords: Two main types of insomnia, Primary Insomnia and Secondary Insomnia
Answer Explanation: The paragraph starts by explaining how insomnia is diagnosed and later describes different types of insomnia. Hence, this heading is appropriate.
17. Answer: vii
Answer Location: Paragraph E
Answer Keywords: Improving one’s sleep hygiene, Relaxing, creating a comfortable environment, therapy
Answer Explanation: The paragraph describes effective ways to deal with insomnia. These treatments make the heading correct for the paragraph.
18. Answer: v
Answer Location: Paragraph F
Answer Keywords: Less productive, irritable, and unable to concentrate
Answer Explanation: The paragraph discusses the complications of insomnia that affect daily life. Hence, “Complications for Insomniacs” is the correct heading.
19. Answer: iii
Answer Location: Paragraph G
Answer Keywords: Avoiding caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and eating heavily late in the day
Answer Explanation: The paragraph explains habits that promote good sleep with examples and explanations. Hence, “Habits to Promote a Good Night’s Sleep” is the correct answer.
20. Answer: No
Answer Location: Paragraph A, Last 3 lines
Answer Keywords: The amount of sleep a person needs varies, some people do well with less, and some need more.
Answer Explanation: The paragraph states that sleep requirements vary among individuals. Hence, the given statement is incorrect.
21. Answer: Yes
Answer Location: Paragraph B, Last 3 lines
Answer Keywords: Jet lag, can also cause insomnia
Answer Explanation: The author explicitly mentions that jet lag can cause insomnia, confirming the statement as correct.
22. Answer: No
Answer Location: Paragraph C, Last 3 lines
Answer Keywords: Non-REM sleep, the body repairs itself utilizing a hormone called somatostatin, stage 4 sleep
Answer Explanation: The paragraph states that non-REM sleep is when the body repairs itself, but it does not say that REM sleep is the most important for the body. Hence, the statement is incorrect.
23. Answer: Not Given
Answer Location: Not Given
Answer Keywords: Not Given
Answer Explanation: No relevant information is provided in the passage.
24. Answer: Not Given
Answer Location: Not Given
Answer Keywords: Not Given
Answer Explanation: No relevant information is provided in the passage.
25. Answer: Hygiene
Answer Location: Paragraph E
Answer Keywords: Implementing better sleep hygiene practices
Answer Explanation: The paragraph states that improving sleep hygiene can help people with insomnia.
26. Answer: Relax
Answer Location: Last paragraph
Answer Keywords: Sleep rituals can be helpful for people with insomnia since they help them calm down and get to sleep.
Answer Explanation: The passage suggests relaxation techniques as a way to improve sleep quality.
27. Answer: Productivity
Answer Location: Paragraph F
Answer Keywords: The negative effects of insomnia include a lack of efficiency in the workplace and the potential for career advancement being passed on.
Answer Explanation: The paragraph states that insomnia reduces workplace efficiency and impacts career growth, making “Productivity” the correct answer.\
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Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers - Matching Headings Questions Tips
Since you have calculated your score from the Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep answer keys, let us look at some quick IELTS Exam Preparation Tips for Band Score of 8+ for each question type to boost your IELTS preparation. Here are some tips to ace IELTS Reading Matching Headings Questions:
- Read the headings first – Get a sense of what the passage might discuss before reading the text.
- Identify the main idea – Focus on the central theme of each paragraph rather than specific details.
- Look for synonyms – The headings won’t match the exact words in the text; watch for paraphrasing.
- Skim before matching – Read the first and last lines of paragraphs to find key themes.
- Eliminate incorrect options – Cross out headings that clearly don’t fit to narrow your choices.
Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers - Yes/No/Not Given Tips
Following are some tips to ace IELTS Reading Yes/No/Not Given questions:
- Understand the difference – "Yes" agrees, "No" contradicts, and "Not Given" is missing from the text.
- Look for keywords – Identify important words in the question and scan the passage for them.
- Don’t assume – If the information isn’t mentioned, choose "Not Given" instead of guessing.
- Focus on meaning, not words – The passage may use synonyms or rephrase ideas.
- Check the exact statement – A slight change in meaning can turn a "Yes" into a "No."
Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers - Sentence Completion Tips
Here are some tips to ace the IELTS Reading Sentence Completion:
- Read the instructions – Pay attention to the word limit (e.g., "NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS").
- Find keywords in the question – Use them to locate the relevant section in the passage.
- Use context clues – Ensure the completed sentence makes grammatical and logical sense.
- Watch for paraphrasing – The passage won’t always use the same words as the question.
- Check spelling and grammar – Incorrect spelling or extra words can lead to a wrong answer.
Mastering the IELTS Reading Module requires practice, strategy, and a clear understanding of different question types. Insomnia: The Enemy of Sleep IELTS Reading Answers provide valuable insights into tackling real exam questions effectively. By consistently solving past IELTS reading passages and practice tests, you can enhance your comprehension skills and boost your overall score. Keep practicing and refine your reading strategies for success!
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