IELTS Reading Sentence Completion
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This blog covers IELTS Reading Sentence Completion questions, offering strategies, highlighting common mistakes, providing examples, practice tests, and resources for improving test performance.
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IELTS Reading Sentence Completion question is a common question type in IELTS Academic and IELTS General Reading. It is similar to a fill-in-the-blanks question type that is part of almost every exam and assesses the test-takers’ ability to understand detailed information and identify keywords and phrases in a reading passage.
To avoid making mistakes and increase your IELTS band score, in this blog, we will cover everything candidates need to know about this task, including tips, strategies, common pitfalls, and the IELTS Reading sentence completion exercises PDF.
What are IELTS Reading Sentence Completion Questions?
Sentence completion questions in IELTS Reading are usually incomplete sentences which are paraphrased lines and contain information from the given passage. Candidates need to fill these gaps with a word, group of words, or even numbers, as per the word limit mentioned in the instruction.
Usually, the words needed to fill the blanks are either taken directly from the passage or are synonyms or paraphrases of words given in the passage. It might sound very simple, but the focus here is on how well examinees can understand specific details and how they handle information locating under time constraints.
Example of IELTS Reading Sentence Completion Questions
Let us have a look at an example of the IELTS Reading Sentence Completion question from IELTS Academic Reading.
Complete the sentences below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
1 Security and peace are two …………………… that are necessary for a civilization to be successful.
2 Ancient Egyptians worked as both……………………. .
3 Ordinary Egyptians expected to receive …………………… for their hard work.
Click hereto know the passage and the answers!
Although they look similar in IELTS General Reading, the latter are simpler as the words needed to fill them are directly taken from the passage.
Strategy for Answering IELTS Reading Sentence Completion Questions
Most candidates take the IELTS Reading Sentence Completion quite lightly, as they are easy to solve. But they overlook the fact that in order to answer these IELTS Reading sentence completion exercises, they might waste some precious time.
So, familiarize yourself with the strategies given below for answering IELTS Reading sentence completion questions in the IELTS Reading practice tests before taking the real exam.
Step 1: Read the Instructions Carefully
Candidates should take a minute to carefully read the instructions before beginning to know the word limit given in the format - ‘no more than two words’. If the response goes above this limit, it will indicate the response as incorrect, even if it is technically accurate.
Step 2: Locate Keywords in the Sentence
Usually, the incomplete sentences provide hints that direct test-takers to the relevant part of the passage. They need to determine the essential keywords (such as names, dates, or subject-specific terms) using the IELTS reading keyword techniques in every sentence and compare them with the text.
Step 3: Scan for Synonyms and Paraphrases
It is possible that the sentence's words and those in the passage don't exactly match. So, candidates have to brush up their IELTS vocabulary to help them find paraphrases or synonyms. For instance, the passage's use of the term ‘increase’ might also be translated as ‘rise’ or ‘growth’.
Step 4: Use Grammar and Logic to Your Advantage
While completing the sentence, candidates need to make sure the missing word or words are grammatically correct. It was probably the wrong decision if the sentence seems odd following the addition of a word. So, it is important to take note of articles, verb tenses, and prepositions since they can provide you with information regarding the right response.
Step 5: Find the Right Section First
Rather than reading the entire passage for each sentence, candidates should use their scanning skills to find the part of the passage where the answer is likely to be. The questions usually follow the order of the text, which means that if they find the answer to Question 1 in the first paragraph, they can expect Question 2’s answer in the same or the next paragraph.
Step 6: Don’t Overthink the Answers
Sentence completion tasks are based on facts or details from the text. So, instead of overcomplicating things, candidates should adhere only to the words and phrases that are directly relevant to the material as time management in IELTS Reading is crucial.
If you want to learn some quick tips on IELTS Reading sentence completion questions, check out the Tips for IELTS Reading Sentence Completion.
Common Mistakes to Avoid While Answering IELTS Reading Sentence Completion
Besides learning the IELTS exam preparation tips and strategies, being aware of the common mistakes that other test takers while answering IELTS Reading sentence completion make can be helpful. So, we have listed the four most common mistakes below.
- Exceeding the Word Limit: Using too many words to finish a sentence is a common error. Make sure you always count the words in your response and refer to the word limit specified in the instructions.
- Misreading the Passage: It's simple to mistake or overlook important facts in the rush to find the answers. So, before choosing an answer, candidates should ensure that they have understood the passage completely.
- Ignoring Synonyms: Occasionally, candidates get stuck trying to find word matches exactly in the question. Keep in mind that the chapter frequently uses synonyms or phrases that have the same meaning.
- Incorrect Grammar: Even if you find the correct information from the passage, it needs to fit grammatically into the sentence. Pay attention to sentence structure and improve your IELTS Grammar knowledge to avoid grammatical errors.
Get some more from the IELTS experts on how to answer the IELTS Reading sentence completion questions! Take a look at the video below!
Practice IELTS Reading Sentence Completion Exercises with Answers
It's now time to assess the usefulness of the previously covered material by completing the IELTS Reading sentence completion exercises and comparing your results to the provided solutions. Additionally, get the IELTS Reading sentence completion exercises PDF.
Test 1
The Spice of Life
A When thinking of the most popular restaurant dish in the UK, the answer ‘chicken tikka masala’ does not spring readily to mind. But it is indeed the answer, often now referred to as a true ‘British national dish’. It may even have been invented by Indian immigrants in Scotland, who roasted chicken chunks (tikka), mixed them with spices and yoghurt, and served this in a bowl of masala sauce. The exact ingredients of the sauce vary from restaurant to restaurant, but the dish usually includes purced tomatoes and cream, coloured orange by turmeric and paprika. British cuisine? Yes, spices have come a long way.
B Spices are dried seeds, fruit, roots, bark, or vegetative parts of plants, added to food in small amounts to enhance flavour or colour. Herbs, in contrast, are only from the leaves, and only used for flavouring. Looking at the sources of some common spices, mustard and black pepper arc from seeds, cinnamon from bark, cloves from dried flower buds, ginger and turmeric from roots, while mace and saffron are from seed covers and stigma tips, respectively. In the face of such variety, it is becoming increasingly common for spices to be offered in pre-made combinations. Chili powder is a blend of chili peppers with other spices, often cumin, oregano, garlic powder, and salt. Mixed spice, which is often used in baking, is a British blend of sweet spices, with cinnamon being the dominant flavour. The ever-popular masala, as noted, could be anything, depending on the chef.
C Although human communities were using spices tens of thousands of years ago, the trade of this commodity only began about 2000 BC, around the Middle Last. Farly uses were less connected with cooking, and more with such diverse functions as embalming, medicine, religion, and food preservation. Eventually, extensive overland trade routes, such as the Silk Road, were established, yet it was maritime advances into India and East Asia which led to the most dramatic growth in commercial activities. From then on, spices were the driving force of the world economy, commanding such high prices that it pitted nation against nation, and became the major impetus to exploration and conquest. It would be hard to underestimate the role spices have played in human history.
D Originally, Muslim traders dominated these routes, seeing spice-laden ships from the Orient crossing the Indian Ocean to Red Sea and Persian Gulf ports, from where camel caravans transported the goods overland. However, although slow to develop, European nations, using aggressive exploration and colonisation strategies, eventually came to rule the Far East and, consequently, control of the spice trade. At first, Portugal was the dominant power, but the British and Dutch eventually gained the upper hand, so that by the 19th century, the British controlled India, while the Dutch had the greater portion of the East Indies (Indonesia). Cloves, nutmeg, and pepper were some of the most valuable spices of the time.
E But why were spices always in such demand? There are many answers. In the early days, they were thought to have strong medicinal properties by balancing ‘humours’, or excesses of emotions in the blood. Other times they were thought to prevent maladies such as the plague, which often saw prices of recommended spices soar. But most obviously, spices flavoured the bland meat-based European cuisines. Pepper, historically, has always been in highest demand for this reason, and even today, peppercorns (dried black pepper kernels) remain, by monetary value, the most widely traded spice in the world. However, saffron, by being produced within the small saffron flower, has always been among the world’s most costly spice by weight, valued mostly for its vivid colour.
F Predictably, the majority of the world’s spices are produced in India, although specific spices are often produced in greater amounts in other countries. Vietnam is the largest producer and exporter of pepper, meeting nearly one third of the world’s demand. Indonesia holds a clear lead in nutmeg production, Iran in saffron, and Sri Lanka in cinnamon. However, exportation of such spices is not always simple. Most are dried as a whole product, or dried and ground into powder, both forms allowing bulk purchase, easier storage and shipping, and a longer shelf life. For example, the rhizomes (underground stems) of turmeric are boiled lor several hours, then dried in ovens, after which they are ground into the yellow powder popular in South-Asian and Middle-Eastern cuisines.
G However, there are disadvantages in grinding spices. It increases their surface area many fold, accelerating the rate of evaporation and oxidation of their flavour-bearing and aromatic compounds. In contrast, whole dried spices retain these for much longer. Thus, seed-based varieties (which can be packaged and stored well) are often purchased in this form. This allows grinding to be done at the moment of cooking or eating, maximising the flavour and effect, a fact which often results in pepper ‘grinders’, instead of ‘shakers’, gracing the tables of the better restaurants around the world.
Questions 7-9
Complete the sentence.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
- Saffron, from the small 7………………. of flowers, has a
- 8……………… , and is
- mostly grown in 9……………… .
Find answers to the above question from The Spice of Life Reading Answers for IELTS!
Test 2
Pine Trees
A I am looking at a very thick twisted trunk, rising to medium height, at which point appears a stumpy canopy of spiky needles. It’s a tree, but a very special one. Ron Simonson, a park ranger explains. “It’s a bristlecone pine, and it’s been given the name, Methuselah”. I ask the obvious question, and Ron replies, “Because like Methuselah from the bible, this tree is very old, one of the oldest living things on Earth in fact.” I ask the next obvious question, and Ron replies, “Basically Methuselah has existed throughout virtually all of recorded human history.” I look again at this quiet and unassuming tree, beginning to realise it is worthy of great respect.
B Being in a cold climate, facing limited summer seasons, rooted in nutrient poor and dry soil, and subject to high winds and withering winters, bristlecone pines mature very slowly indeed. Yet mature they do, as with all pines becoming fractionally thicker every year as another growth ring is added to their truck. By counting these, we can accurately state that, as of 2011, Methuselah was 4,842 years old, meaning that it sprouted as a seedling in 2832 BC, centuries before the ancient Egyptians began building their pyramids. And that’s just one fascinating fact about that well-known species of tree – the pine.
C Pines trees are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere. Several species have adapted to the harsh conditions of high elevations and latitudes, including Methuselah himself, growing among the peaks of the White Mountains of Northern California.
D Pines can be small, such as the Siberian Dwarf Pine, or huge, such as the Ponderosa Pine in the wilds of Oregon, and there are over 100 varieties in all. They have been introduced into the more temperate portions of the Southern Hemisphere, where they are now grown widely, becoming a familiar feature in parks and gardens. It would not be too much of an exaggeration to say that almost everyone knows pines.
E These trees certainly have many telltale characteristics. They are evergreen, usually with needle-like foliage and a sharp pleasant pine smell. They are often large and imposing, with thick scaly bark, and always produce their signature pine cones. These formations are certainly not simple. They can be male (small, inconspicuous, and shedding pollen) or female (large, woody, and containing seeds), even when appearing on the same tree. They have numerous scales arranged in a spiral, with seeds (on the female) tucked within. As the cone opens, the seeds eventually fall out, mostly to be dispersed by the wind, or sometimes by birds. In some varieties, the cones remain closed until their binding resin is melted by forest fires.
F This last fact – the need for wildfires for regeneration – is another fascinating aspect of many pine species. In fire-prone areas, it can result in extensive stands of pines, a good example being in ‘pine barrens’. These are eco-regions of sandy nutrient-poor soil dominated by pines, since the frequency of natural (usually lightning-induced) fires weeds out the less fire-tolerant species. It is perhaps sad that modern fire prevention methods have resulted in the decline of many pine species in the wild, and most ancient pine barrens are now being taken over by other forest vegetation.
G However, the situation is very different for home and commercial use, which has seen pines become a very common sight. As these trees grow fast, can be planted in dense arrays, and produce attractive and easily moulded wood, they are favourites for commercial plantations. The wood is fragrant, but prone to decay, so it is most suitable for indoor or dry carpentry, rather than outdoors, where more durable varieties are necessary. As for other uses of pines, their branches are valued as Christmas trees, and their wood is also pulped in factories for paper and chipboard production. Pine resin is a byproduct, and this is collected for distillation into turpentine, an important industrial solvent.
H In a more homely sense, perhaps what people most like are the cones, the largest of which are regularly used by children and craft enthusiasts. With the widespread distribution of pines across the Northern Hemisphere, cones form part of the many traditional cultures there, where they are used for decorative purposes, fire starters, bird feeders, or just intriguing natural playthings for young children. Many people lament that modern manufactured toys in the more affluent of these countries have displaced cones, although some Nordic communities still teach traditional ‘cone-craft’ in high schools.
I For some reason, I always come back to Methuselah. Ron tells me a story. In 1964, a student was taking a coring sample from another bristlecone pine in the area. His coring toll broke, so the tree was cut down to allow dating by an examination of a cross-section of its trunk. Upon doing this, to the astonishment of all, 4,844 rings were counted, signifying that the tree was even older than Methuselah. Ron smiles wryly at the thought. ‘We deliberately killed the oldest life on Earth. That’s one reason why we keep the location of Methuselah a secret. This tree is precious, and must be kept free from all human interference.’
Questions 1- 4
Complete the sentences.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
- Every year, pine trees gain another 1………………..
- The pyramids were built hundreds of years after 2 ………………..
- Typical of all pines are their 3 ………………..
- The wood from the pines is not very 4 ………………..
Find answers to the above question from Pine Trees Reading Answers for IELTS Academic!
Test 3
Marketing Advice for New Businesses
If you’re setting up your own business, here’s some advice on getting customers.
Know where your customers look
Your customers aren’t necessarily where you think they are. So if you’re advertising where they’re just not looking, it’s wasted money. That’s why it pays to do a bit of research. Every time someone contacts your company, ask them where they found out about you. And act on this information so you’re advertising in the right places.
Always think like a customer
What makes your customers tick? Find out, and you’re halfway to saying the right things in your advertising. So take the time to ask them. A simple phone or email survey of your own customers, politely asking why they use you, what they really like and what they don’t, is invaluable.
Make sure customers know you’re there
If a customer can’t see you, they can’t buy from you. There are loads of opportunities to promote your business — print, press, direct mail, telemarketing, email and the internet — and using a mix of these increases your chances of being seen (and remembered).
Ignore your customers and they’ll go away
It sounds obvious, but companies that talk to their customers have much better retention rates than those that don’t, so it’s worth staying in touch. Capture your customers’ email addresses upfront. Follow up a transaction to check they’re happy with the service and, if possible, send them updates that are helpful, informative and relevant.
Know what works (and what doesn’t)
Do what the professionals do, and measure all your advertising. That’ll tell you what you’re doing right – and where there’s room for improvement. You never know, it might just throw up some information that could change your business for the better.
Remember word-of-mouth: the best advertising there is
A recent survey found that consumers are 50% more likely to be influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations than by TV or radio ads. So your reputation is your greatest asset. If your current customers are impressed with your company, they’ll be more inclined to recommend you to others. On the flip side, if they experience bad service they probably won’t complain to you – but you can be sure they will to their friends.
Questions 15-20
Complete the sentences below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.
15 Some ………………………… will help you to discover the most effective places to advertise.
16 A ………………………… of your customers will show you how they feel about your company.
17 A ………………………… of forms of advertising will make it more likely that potential customers will find out about you.
18 lf you can, provide customers with useful ………………………… about your business.
19 Measuring the effects of your advertising can give you ………………………… that will improve your business.
20 Success in finding new customers largely depends on your ………………………… .
Find answers to the above question from Marketing Advice for New Businesses & Working Time Regulations IELTS Reading Answer here!
Download IELTS Reading sentence completion exercises PDF for more practice tests!
Here are the 10 examples for the IELTS Reading Sentence Completion:
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Example 4
- Example 5
- Example 6
- Example 7
- Example 8
- Example 9
- Example 10
Sentence completion questions in IELTS Reading determine a candidate's ability to match information from the passage with the provided sentences, pay close attention to detail, and scan quickly. Candidates can get better at this work by practicing frequently, concentrating on important techniques like finding synonyms, and effectively managing their time.
Moreover, feel free to check out our highly rated IELTS Reading Academic Test Guide or ultimate guide to IELTS General reading with actual IELTS test papers or join our online classes in case of personalized advice.
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